ClubSport DD+ Update



  • The told us that they were sending them via Air freight so they would be at the local warehouses for when the licence was approved.. what happened to that in Australia??

  • Well the delay let me cancel and switch to the DDX (which is meant to be available from the 19th)

    I hope they start shipping out the wheelbase orders on Monday

  • Seemed like that was only for US and Europe.

    The poor communication is disappointing to say the least.

    Still hoping for a notification tonight...

    Not holding my breath though

  • Well finally I received my DD+ & I love it 🥰

    uk order, 4 Dec

  • where's the DD+ in Australia? no reply from the customer service, no tracking number, no nothing

  • you ordered it on Dec 4th?!? wtf.... I'm happy for you, but I'm genuinely perturbed at Fanatec...

  • I intend to write a ticket after delivery. I don't think this should be an additional step we need to take after all of this, but it's probably the easiest way to handle it.

    BTW: My order is Out For Delivery today, according to FedEX. US. Order Date Oct, 20 in the year of our Lord 2023 :P

  • FYI - do not follow much of what the Fanatec website says. I received my CS DD+ on 02/13 (in the US), I initiated a return and sent it back already (i purchased the DDX) and to this day, the website has not been updated with any information about the shipping, serial number or the return. Also, I've noticed that when you purchased the overnight delivery, they process the items way faster than normal ground shipping. I tested this out during Blackfriday purchases and the items i order overnight were received within 5 days while the other items took them almost 4 weeks. This should not be the case as the processing should be FIFO but i don't think that happens. Again, this is in the US and I think this is not fair but for extra $10-$15, i think is worth considering.

  • Some of my purchases auto fill the Serial and Warranty for me. Some I have to manually put in my products page after i receive them and get the serial from the product itself. Some of those serial numbers are hidden when you mount them. So it's good practice to get them before you mount.

  • VIctor, thank you for sharing your delivery info. I also have a similar thing going on with my DD+. I'm tracking mines through Fedex and it should be delivered tomorrow but no tracking number on Fanatec's website nor any serial numbers posted to my products. The only thing which you might be able to clear up is did you get a text from Fedex and do you have a Fedex account that is setup to notify you of incoming shipments? I have an account with Fedex so somehow I got a text with a tracking number. Without that, I wouldn't have known my DD+ was on its way to me. Hope you enjoy your DD+ and thanks again for sharing your order info.

  • Just got life from fed ex using reference number tracking. Label created this morning 2/16/24.

    confused why it says 1 of 1 items. I should have 14 items in that 11/24/2023 order. CSDD+, CS F1 2023 wheel, V3 pedals and many other items

    anyone else got multiple items and a 1 of 1 item label created?

  • I think when it's Label Created the info is limited. I can't be sure as my current order is a single order, but I had my label created last week some time and it didn't make a single move for 4 days. Little to no information was there when it was in the label created phase. I assume when it starts moving you'll see a master number with some individual numbers.

    With 14 items you may expect delivery on different days. But maybe you'll hit the lottery and get all on the same day.

  • Digging further down on the fed ex page I see it says 5 packages and 66lbs maybe 4 boxes for base, pedals, wheel, shifter and 1 big box for the rest lol I’ll check again later just very curious but glad to see something happening it’s been stressful these last months for many of us.

  • Good to see movement for you Jessie. Hopefully everything will go out soon and arrive to close out your ordeal.

    This and Victor's order along with mines is good reason to create and check a Fedex account if you are a US order.

  • I just checked my Fedex account and saw this:

    still no info from Fanatec, no emails from either company or text messages but at least there's movement on my order finally after almost 9 days.

  • This was normal even before all the issues. I normally get a "moved to warehouse" and then all other communication i get from FedEx.

    My base is supposed to be here in an hour according to FedEx, but my last Fanatec email was "preparing to ship"

  • Bruce, thanks I am still hopeful that everything turns out alright.

    Christofer, looks like maybe the bigger BF orders are close to the FIFO you ordered the day before me. Fingers crossed they get us everything in one shot.

    Peter, any signs of life from your couriers? This hasn’t set well with me as many of you ordered a month before I did, back in December was when they supposedly air freighted to warehouses. Did Fanatec not do this for Australia!?

  • Jesse, I can only assume they didn’t send them to Australia. They sent DDX’s (we’ve had one guy say he’s got tracking for his after he cancelled his DD+).

    Ive got an Australia Post account and they have an app which will show anything (bigger than an envelope) that’s being shipped to my address. It’s just one of the daily (depressingly empty) checks I make. Email/AusPost/Fanatec forums.

  • without receiving FedEx tracking info, mine came in today. ordered 10/23, and I am living in California, USA.

  • I can only hope for the Australian guys that shipping info/notifications are like Seung and I have. Seung didn't get anything from either Fedex or Fanatec about his order coming in and it arrived today. For me, mines is on the way and I got lucky somehow with a text from fedex that let me know the tracking number for my item. I had to log into my Fedex account and add the tracking number to see the details which allowed me to put together that it was my DD+ coming in. Not sure how the Logistics company is doing this but they aren't off to a very good start.

  • Congrats on your order. Did it come from Texas or CA? My Extreme was Handover to warehouse on Tuesday. Nothing since. Previous in stock orders were delivered a few days after the handover.

  • Australia Post doesn't miss anything usually, as soon as the label is printed we get a notification that X company is preparing your delivery.

  • Delivered. Had to rebuild my rig a bit so that took HOURS! but i got a couple hours in AMS2 tonight. Spent some time tuning it it. Feels pretty good. So far there doesn't seem to be any issues or coil wine. Seemed to stay cool updated fine.

    Hopefully I'll get some more time on it tomorrow.

    It's quicker and smoother than my DD1, but I have some osculation i haven't gotten out of it yet. Settings are a bit different, and the wheel menu doesn't seem to give me NDP and such? even in Advance.

    Now i can stalk the forum waiting for Driver 456

  • Maybe things are picking up at the new warehouse in Texas? I posted earlier this morning that a FedEx label was created for my Nov 24th order. About 2 hours ago the FedEx manager app showed 5 boxes weighing 66lbs in total are in transit to me in California. With a delivery date for the 19th! Honestly thought I was going to be another week or two from the label creation, but the label created shows a time 8hours after FedEx received the packages. So maybe I got a lucky Friday pickup.

  • Today, the advanced OLED features all work. Maybe I should have just restarted the base yesterday... :/

  • James/Thomas SOMEONE...

    Please provide an update on the delivery delays (as in none appear to have been delivered) in Australia?

    You've invoiced us, there's a couple of Aussies posting on FB saying they have their DDX's, so what's happening with the pre orders from October last year??

  • Fanatec. I have nothing against you personally as people. As a collective however, you would have to be the most useless pack of misleading pricks I’ve ever had the displeasure of dealing with.

    you have started Aussie warranties and still haven’t sent our preorders.

    you’re like a deadbeat dad. Pull your finger out your ass and stop fucking with our money!

  • edited February 19

    DD+ Aus site availability has moved to 5th March..

    DDX is 28th Feb..

    I still ordered in OCTOBER 2023!!

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