Support being this slow with response?

So last week I requested support for my WRC wheel which sadly has suffered from bent pins and a broken QR1-lite. I have only received one response from the support team that they can provide repair and in an instant I responded with a request to repair my wheel. But since Wednesday last week, I havent heard at all a thing but I wouldnt be surprised if the support is low on staff or if other orders are in process. Any advice what to do?


  • 1 week to get a response is a good lead time these days.

    I have two tickets with Fanatec that I have raised in December and only today, I got a response to one of them

    You just need to wait, I am afraid.

  • Ok I will take it as it is. I can atleast still continue playing on as my wheelbase still works like a charm. Thanks for the response and explaination.

  • Your better then me, i have sent over 10 messages/tickets on all plataforms that i can try to contact fanatec, and has past 2 moths and no and awnser what so ever...

  • I have a ticket open with them for a faulty wheel base. VERY slow in response. Have not really had any movement towards getting my unit in for repair. Last I heard from them was over a week ago. Patience is key with Fanatec, but their support system is very sub-par.

    At this point I'd almost be afraid to send my equipment to them for repair. Wonder if I'd ever see it again, or how long it would be gone. Not like I have any choice in the matter, though.

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