Just skip UPS, look for someone else, please

Regrettable, UPS has become a nightmare. My order arrived at their nearest distribution point on Thursday. Friday, their driver were unable to identify the location. It is just funny as it is a company address and the UPS drivers are taking their lunch in front of our doors. Re-routed to a Pick-up point after calling UPS. Okay, Monday afternoon is pick-up date. As I am a bit excited, I drove to that place and did not check the UPS app before. At the pick-up point a sign, Monday is closed. UPS app says it is because of holiday. There is no holiday today! There is no way to pick-up at the distribution point which is maybe 20min away. The UPS hotline is friendly but German language is not their strength and hard to understand. Just use DHL for Germany. For now, they are reliable.


  • Same for me this morning, the driver came in my street, were unable to identify the location, and drove off ! Almost immediatly, i ran in the next street to find him ! Fortunatly, he was making a delivery and I was able to stop him. He was very friendly and drove the packages and me (in the UPS truck) up to my home !

    The problem came from my house's number, the Fanatec label is mixing all the data, it start with the home number , the phone number, the street and finally the name !!!!

    So it's like



    street name

    customer name

    City Country

  • Unless you live in the world's longest street, the phone number is not likely to be the address. Doesn't take a genius.

  • Yep, but it's UPS policy.

    No clear address, no delivery said the driver

    I suppose the labels 's infos are the majority of the deliveries 's problems with Fanatec's orders

  • Can we not ask ups to just deliver at drop off point ? A store close by

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