No news of my order

Hi, I need help. I bought a GT DD Pro 8Nm on December 17 and there is no news yet.

The payment is correct and the status of the order since that day is "Handover to warehouse"

There is no tracking number on the order. Shipping is to Spain.

I have sent several emails but have not received any response.

Thanks for your help.


  • German "efficiency".

    They pretty much shut down for Christmas and the end of the year. Don't expect anything until 10 Jan at the earliest while they perform a full stock inventory on all their distribution centres.

  • I ordered my clubsport dd, wheel and pedals on the 21st of Dec but not heard anything yet, i understand its the christmas and new year period so hopefully get it sometime this month

  • i not sure if it is even point think off it at Saturday and Sunday as they not work at that times also ups is not working by default in those specific days

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