Legal protection of customers

I am asking the legal department to initiate proceedings against the company Fanatec and their boss Thomas the CEO, due to the threatened rights of customers.

the company in question deliberately cheated people on several occasions, cheated them, took their money, and did not deliver the goods.

in addition, the goods they sell are not ready to sell, but must be made first. they don't show that with anything on the webshop, because when it says something is in stock, it says it's ready for shipping in 4-7.

that's a lie!

they don't have the goods ready in the warehouses en masse and they just take money from the citizens of the world, keep it for themselves and then after a few weeks or months they ask for the order to be canceled or cancel it themselves.

requests the urgent involvement of the legal service, the police and the competent service that will prevent further criminal activities of this bad company.

Sincerely, your loyal customer!



  • Johnny RottenJohnny Rotten Member
    edited January 4

    “requests the urgent involvement of the legal service, the police and the competent service that will prevent further criminal activities of this bad company.”

    😂 At some point I should pay you. This is quality entertainment right here! 🤡

  • blah blah troll

  • 🤣 you don't have work, do you?

  • Not a troll, I’m from “competent service”!


  • aaah, so it's you Maurice

    so I could have thought it was you

    the so-called department "knowledge-not knowledge"


  • In fact there are a lot of Customers, who are going to a lawyer to get their money back.

    It sounds a bit drastic but zeko is right with everything he said.

  • Johnny RottenJohnny Rotten Member
    edited January 4

    You totally sound like a completely different person, Siko! Amazing.

    How did you do that? What dark magic is this?


  • You are wasting your time. Fanatec need to be taught a lesson but it won't happen this way

  • watch out, this corrupt boy (rotten) noticed you as soon as you came

  • truth. it's hard against the big crooks who are thick scum. but the internet is big. people read, give up and buy from competitors. one day if and when they wise up, maybe they deserve to have their customers come back.

  • So now Siko is talking to himself.

    Just when you thought things couldn’t get any more entertaining/embarrassing.

  • wow, you know how to write something. holy boy

  • You are easily impressed, are you?!

    You would be surprised, how many people are actually able to read, write and even comprehend. Give it a try sometime. But remember, baby steps!


  • wow. I am more and more impressed with you


  • So have you actually contacted them, or just writing on here and hoping they randomly stumble upon that post and take it seriously.

    Serious question, genuinely interested in their response.

  • This guy has stated in one of the multiple discussions he started that he is actually not affected. He is not waiting for any products nor having any money left at Fanatec. He is a psychopath who also stated that his aim is to let Fanatec fail or they change to a company which he desires. He is not on any customers side. He is not interested in help of other customers. He stated that he doesn‘t care if Fanatec goes bancrupt nor he or any other customer will receive any technical service or money back.

    To quote Alfred about the Joker

    “Some men aren‘t looking for anything logical like money. They can‘t be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to Watch the world burn.“

  • Marco ThielMarco Thiel Member
    edited January 4

    I am affected myself and there are so many things that went totally wrong. The Company has good products but the customer support and the whole communication is crap or simply not existant.

    The Promises on the Sim Racing Expo about full warehouses and solving the delivery problems, then the whole BF thing that never ends. The totally bad programmed webshop and on and on and on. If you put it all together, it nearly feels like scam to me.

    I don´t wanna see anybody burn. But Fanatec should change a lot of things soon or they may disappear from the market in a while.

  • Hi everyone, I am have been a loyal customer of this brand since 2017 and have bought many items from them. The issue I have with them is more on customer service support. I have the same issue where I ordered an item when it was on stock online and delivery should arrive within several days, but they kept on moving the availability date which I do not understand. If the item was in stock and available, I assume they have the item and should get delivered soon. For me, this is not a good business practice of charging customers and delaying the delivery to whatever time frame they prefer. IMO, they should have posted the item as "pre-order" and only pre-authorized the CC and charge customers when the item is shipped or delivered, but this is not the case, instead they charged my card and delayed the shipment multiple times.

    Some of you may have not experienced this and probably have received their items on item but please be respectful of others having issues here. I myself have experienced this many times and I can understand what other customers have gone through. Again. please be respectful, everyone have different issues and opinions and we all have rights as a customer here. Thanks.

  • Sorry if my post was misleading. I meant that Zeko guy with what I wrote.

    I totally understand everybody‘s frustration who is affected in any possible way. But what‘s happening here and on social media is just too much. Spreading lies about a company (still talking about the other guy), conspiracy theories that Sony and Fanatec are partners in crime, insulting anyone who tries to give arguments and even claiming everyone who tells his own Story being a customer (like me since 11,5 years), having received products in the last couple of weeks and getting everything solved, are just paid by Fanatec („hired social media army“) is just criminal itself.

  • ok guy, what is your real problem? me maybe? watch! I really am the owner of the product of this shit that you are protecting, but I am also in the same shit as the others who ordered goods on BF and FanaSCAM screwed us all over. and I'm very dangerous when I see that someone has screwed me, and what's more, for my money.

    what factor are you to tell me anything?

    what equipment do you have for 11.5 years? so I have for years. so what?

    the point is that this kind of behavior must be stopped once and for all.

    and just so you know, I'm defending Sony. I suggest to them that this scumbag FanaSCAM used them for their dirty financial games and thus, in combination with all actions for BF, seized an illegal €27 million. it's all a far reaching game that people like you don't understand. but the main thing is that I excited you and a few caring fans of this piece of shit from the company.

    that's good. at least others will see what rubbish you defend. and as you can see, some damaged customers have already contacted you. that's why it's better to keep quiet.

  • you literally said:

    you have Fanatec products

    you use these Fanatec products

    you are not waiting for any products

    Please explain what you mean with you are dangerous.

    For example last year I gave away my ClubSport Pedals V2 which still work fine for the new owner.

    I‘d like to see any proof or evidence of the things you claim. For example you claim Fanatec products fall apart.

    Where did you get that number 27 Million?

    Explain the far reaching game a company that has been successfull for years is now playing. For what?

    Who contacted me? And how?

  • who are you that I have to prove anything to you?

    bro. you have internet, search and you will find. if you are able. but I see that you are not.

  • Okay, no answers, no proof or evidence for your ridiculous claims and your source is the internet!

    Would you please answer a last couple of questions before I‘m going to ignore you forever?

    1) What size is your tinfoil hat?

    2) How was Fanatec involved in 9/11?

    3) Did we buy Fanatec products because of vaccination or chemtrails?

    4) Are there flat steering wheels by Fanatec just because Earth is flat, too?

  • most off fanatec steering wheels are flat, if you want non flat one you may need check momo steering wheels

  • "4) Are there flat steering wheels by Fanatec just because Earth is flat, too?"

    it seems to me that you are flat in the brain


  • “I'm very dangerous”


  • "😂"


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