Good news to my fellow Canadians stuck in dd1 limbo hell.

I just priced out a simagic alpha bundle and it actually works out to be cheaper than the dd1 bundle because you don't have to pay custom fees. And I can get it within the week because that's what happens when you aren't trying to be greedy and pocketing every dime from (poorly) running your own distribution network. 15nm vs 20nm but not having to deal with fanatec? Sounds like a big win to me. Bye felicia. I'm canceling my order and doing a cc chargeback since they won't respond anyways.

Shame since I had 2 fanatec wheelbases break on me in very little time years ago. Thought I'd give them another chance after 9 years of not sim racing. They've proven to be incompetent once again so I'm out. Good luck to the rest of you waiting this out, you'll need it.

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