fanatec/ ups lost my package and are not replying to my mails

so i orderd my wheel and my wheelbase on nov 3 they still have not arrived and they only contacted me once saying the base was lost. i replied to say that i would like a refund (24/11/2023). they have not replied since. i sent them another mail 2-3 weeks ago but still nothing. i am starting to think that i threw 450 euros down the drain can someone tell me what to do or help me.
At least they've said they lost yours! They think they've delivered mine but no sign of it and I can't speak to anybody.
Contact your bank / credit card provider about a chargeback
Hello, I am the same as you. UPS returned my order to origin without making the delivery. Has FATANTEC told you anything about your money? or are you still waiting for a response?