25% Voucher Still Missing.

Another business week done and still no sign. More waiting awaits....

It also feels like a slap to the face seeing the item that supposedly was oversold and made me cancel instead of waiting 4 months suddenly become available again. disappointing.


  • Yup. They’re using this to catch back up on stock from oversells. You can guarantee when everything is back in full stock they’ll “happen to get the codes out”.

    i just find it embarrassing they have the balls to put an expiration date on the code in the email, but can’t even manage to bother trying to get it sent out to us in a timely manner.

    If I wasn’t already invested in their eco system almost completely I would have jumped ship. Half tempted to sell all my wheels for a loss.

  • Hello everyone,

    I received the 25% discount voucher today, it works very well on any item in the basket,

    Happy New Year to all.

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