V3 Control Board (PCB) Replacement

Hi, does anyone here know where I might find a replacement control board (PCB) for V3 pedals? I have put up a support request on the Fanatec website, but they're not responding after several weeks waiting. The pedals are out of warranty, so I'm just looking for a place where I can buy a replacement. Thanks

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All reactions:




  • Fanatec is the only one you can buy a new replacement board from. They are famous for taking forever to respond (especially right now).

  • So, how should I expect to receive a response to my support ticket? Will it come through email, or will there be some notification when I log in to the website? At this point, I'm considering submitting another request since it's been a few weeks and I have heard nothing at all from them.

  • Should be by email. When they do respond, they are going to ask you to prove the board is bad/at fault before they will agree to sell you a new one (don't ask me why they won't just sell you a new one no questions asked). You are going to reply with what they are asking for, wait several weeks again for a reply and go around this merry-go-round until they agree to sell you a new one. Once they do, they will take your money immediately and then take forever to ship the part to you.

    The long wait for replies is being compounded by the BF debacle. They are flooded with support requests complaining about where the orders placed are and when people can expect to receive them. This is making them take even longer than normal to respond.

    Good luck.

  • Wow - that sounds fun :-)

    Sounds like you speak from experience.

  • Used to own the V3 pedals myself and wanted to buy just the load cell for the brake to have as a spare.

    My current one wasn't broken.

    Pedals were out of warranty.

    They would not sell me a $20 V3 load cell unless my current one was broke and I supplied proof of such.

    Sold pedals shortly after because I upgraded to Heusinkveld Sprints.

  • load cell on mine broke as well, contacted customer and technical support through website and included a video, but after 10 days no reply. I did not even get an e-mail that ticket was raised.

    I'm buying Simagic P1000 next week and will sell V3s once I get opportunity to buy new load cell

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