Does the 25% voucher exist? How hard can it be?

You announced that the voucher will be coming "within the next few days' on Dec 15th. It has been almost 2 weeks, 8 business days since then. @James announced they will arrive before Christmas. That has come and gone. How hard is it to make a simple voucher code?

I have been waiting since Dec 15th for the opportunity to disappoint myself again placing an order with you guys with the discount voucher. I have made an order, 1834289, on BF for in stock items, just to have it oversold until March and now, I am without an order, waiting for a coupon that was promised and never delivered so I can even place a new one.

Fanatec, please stop disappointing your customers. once I get this order placed with this coupon, it will be the last ever order I do here. You have completely lost me as a customer. I will not be recommending Fanatec to anyone.


  • Not to come accross as being a c*nt but if your done with fanatec and feel that strongly, have you thought about ordering from a different company now so you dont give them more money to piss up wall or are you already invested?

  • they never do this. They just sit around Fanatec groups and bellyache instead

  • I’m in the same boat as him. I’m completely invested into Fanatec already. And if I wouldn’t have followed their email to cancel I would have already had my order.

    Im a huge fan of their product and understand BF issues. I order every year. But this is by far their worst attempt.

    Sadly the “belly archers” and complainers are on with this one about the coupon code. It’s a dam code, issue it out and be done. But I have a feeling they’re going to milk it until stock is fully up and available before they bother trying. Exploit another situation they fumbled at the customers expense who had faith in them.

    Its kinda embarrassing at this point.

  • In the end, Fanatec will always screw up all its customers so that they will make money, and customers will pay full price for products that break down and drivers do not work properly.

    a very poor company this has become

  • I am also still awaiting the voucher. no news since the 2.5 x email notice.

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