While some may have bad things to say about your shipping and company i am excited the chance to use your products and enter into the world of sim racing. i understand after reading the updates about black Friday and to how some orders can be delayed. i just wanted to spread some positivity and thanks and hope that all the hard working employees get to spend the holidays with their families.

merry christmas and happy new years to all.

order # 1878499

ordered 12/19 no tracking label yet


  • This is right. Fanatec employees are the first victims of the company's absurd strategies.

    Merry Christmas to all.

  • Agreed, Merry Christmas.

    The frustration is with Fanatec as a company, not the individuals.

  • No, the frustration is with the people. I would call them incompetent, but that would be an insult to incompetent people. The only people worse than them are the idiots at the logistics company that they use. Just a bunch of arrogant jerks.

  • The employees are paid to do their job which they obviously havent done...

    hard to wish them anything atm without sounding bitter.

    Il bite my tongue instead before i get an ear full from the fanboys

  • Breizon HornBreizon Horn Member
    edited December 2023

    got tracking numbers today 12/28

    i put my order number in as a reference number on fed ex

  • so far labels were created for all packages however the 8lb pckg ( i believe the pedals) are shipping on the way to my house, no word on the rest of my order. but hopes are high and excitement is still.

  • i recently checked fed ex online and 4/5 have started shipping from California, the only one that hasnt is a small package i assume the table clamp because it only weighs 1lb

  • all 5 packages have shipped Thank you Fanatec!

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