Fanatec your shipping sucks balls.

Fanatec, it makes me want to throw up just having to type your name.

I know others have other examples even worse than mine.

I ordered a USB adapter on december 15th. 3 days later you said order was being processed and transfered to your warehouse. It has now been sitting in that status since with no shipping.

I need that adapter for an older Fanatec pedal set, and i was going to upgrade Wheel base, pedals etc, but there is no way i will ever again pay for anything with the Scamatec name on it. In fact will go out of my way to talk other people out of buying any of your products.

I cannot believe the management(or lack there of) is allowing this company to go into the sewers.

It is not like these are new issues , it has been going on for several years now, you cannot keep saying it has anything to do with supply chain issues due to pandemic yadayada. Any goodwill you built up was burned up long ago. REality is i might sound angry by i am actually much more sad and disappointed that a company i trusted in for years have fallen so low and the arrogant attitude you are showing towards your customers.


  • Merry Christmas to you too 🧜🏿‍♂️

  • Yes they do suck balls!

    I suffer from anxiety and depression

    and I have just watched my order be returned to sender and now I have to go

    through another 40 days if keep checking my UPS app to see where my 1820160

    order is!!

    This process as made me more I’ll.

    And what about how green this whole process is with packaging getting shipped straight back to them.

    please sort this out

  • I find it fascinating the people who come here and put down paying customers, some of whom have been waiting for months for orders costing thousands of euros, receiving not a single email from Fanatec. Defending the indefensible, deriving pleasure out of other people's frustration.

  • The issue seems customer service in general. I understand that while SIM racing has grown significantly in the past few years, it is still a small business. We've gotten use to Amazon level of customer service (I'm lumping shipping into this for this convo) and we're able to compare the best with... maybe not the worst but down at the bottom. Fanatec, you are so close to being the best in this business but you fall SO SHORT in the customer service department. Your stock, shipping and general response to the little quality issues that inherently plague the type of devices you produce at your scale are all a part of the customer experience. Yeah, experience is a better word than service. Anyway, you can have a huge impact to your business with a little more investment into your customer experience/service. The experience is great when everything is working and in my possession... But everything else is a nightmare. My DD Pro "clunks" every time I turn the wheel under any load. It was WAY TOO difficult to discover that it is likely due to the qr1 lite that came with two of my wheels. I have one wheel with the qr1 and that seems to operate just fine. I've been hearing about the qr2 so went to upgrade but of course, no stock and even if there was, your inventory (1 ½ weeks?), will mean who knows how long a wait. Not to mention, if I upgrade to qr2, that means I'll have a couple wheels that I can't use since they are not upgradable. So qr1 it is. But still have a good wait for them. And then there is your checkout process. Couldn't figure out how to use a gift card since it didn't cover the full amount and I couldn't find a way to use two cards.

    So, customer experience. I've been using your gear since 2016 and the experience has only gotten worse. I've looked at all the other options out there and even if I was starting over and didn't already have thousands of dollars invested in your ecosystem, you still offer the best. But man, I hate doing business with you. Surely you're not okay with this. Not okay with customers holding their noses when dealing with you, hoping that once they're done, they don't have to go to the Dr for a prescription to help deal with the trauma. We give you our money. You are people and understand how precious that is to most of us. So please please act like you understand and show it by improving the customer experience. Hell, hire me to consult, it's what I do.

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