25% Coupon…. WHERE IS IT?!

What’s the deal? I’ve been defending you guys cause this season is a logistics nightmare. I’ve worked for shipping and supply. I understand.

But you guys feed us a email to cancel our orders for a percentage off coupon. With an expiration date in a few months. Yet it’s been a full month since that email and me canceling my order.

And nothing, you’re leaving us to hang. I figured it wouldn’t be instantly. But I figured it would be somewhat timely. I at least expected to get the code with in a week or 2 and have an order in the back of the line. But again, a month and NOTHING.

You guys even have publicly said before Christmas. Thats less than 12 hours away. Logistics is one thing. Servicing an email chain for a coupon code is something else.

Its beginning to be very hard to defend you guys anymore. Really regretting canceling my order and trusting in your company to service us as customers.

please respond, your customers are waiting in the dark about these emails and codes.


  • Please be patient. Fanatec are working hard on this but they have to test each coupon individually to ensure it doesn't actually give you any discount before they send it to you, so as to ensure they don't have to cancel any future orders where you are trying to exploit their system by using a working coupon to get a discount they never intended for you.

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