Support...that's a good one!

So I post to the 14 day Blog that was supposed to be the solution to inquire about slow orders and we all know how that went. Next scores of people asking, pleading for an answer as to when they could expect their product. And I even posted about complaining to consumer right groups, as other have as well. All to no avail, might as well be speaking a foreign language.

So I decided to contact support and wait the two weeks to never for a response. Turns out it's not me speaking a different language after all.

My view of Fanatec of over the last 15 years went from well regarded happy customer, to disappointed, to utter embarrassment. Congratulations Fanatec.


  • I did the same thing the other day. Turns out it's in Japanese lol. I still went ahead and submitted a query knowing full well I may not get a response. Or, I may get a reply in Japanese 🤣.

    I'm a first time customer, not happy with the whole situation, shoulda just kept my Logitech stuff, I could actually be racing and not waiting. 😕

  • Mine was in German

  • Yeah I went in tonight to inquire about my order from November 23 and saw the Chinese language. I went ahead and filled it out. Don’t expect anything to happen again as I’ve tried before. I don’t expect to receive my stuff before Christmas now. Really upset about how Fanatec has treated their customers this holiday season. Sad, sad situation.

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