Ordered When in Stock now Items aren't availabile

Hi I ordered a Ready2Race bundle on the 14.12.2023, Now (a few days later) some items aren't available until last January.

I got a Email saying it is in process and I cannot cancel my order anymore, will I need to wait until the new date or if I may have gotten lucky and my order was processed before it went out of stock?



  • Where are you looking that it's out of stock?

    But if you have received the is being processed mail and you order is put on "Completely shipped" your items are normally in stock and will be shipped to you soon (between 5 to 10 days for Fanatec to really ship the items).

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    Ready2Race bundle

    Availability date: Jan 26, 2024

  • Psql .Psql . Member
    edited December 2023
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    But that is if you order now. The TS ordered on 14.12 then it's useless to check the date that is shown in the webshop.

    You need to check your order lines in your account... But if the order is already on Completely shipped they are busy to send you the items...

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    Well it says " Handover to warehouse" Which i believe has replaced "Completely shipped" but means the exact same?

    I got it before it was out of stock so lets just hope itll be sent!

    Not like ill get any tracking from Fanatec or UPS :(

    (I know you can track by reference to get the barebone summary of your order but it is hit or miss)

  • Yes could be they made the Completely shipped more clear by replacing it with Handover to warehouse. But normally when that is done items should be in stock and they are shipping the goods. If it was not in stock the order normally stays in some processing status and the product not available will have a back in stock date on your order.

    Yes communication with the Tracking number is very bad, Fanatec or the Group 7 will not communicate that ☹️ . Way to solve it is to add and validate your address in UPS account. Then all shipments for your address will automatically show up. That worked for me to get notification from UPS at least that items are on the way and will be delivered.

    You could also check once in a while your Fanatec Order. Maybe it will show the Tracking Number after a few days when items are shipped. For me it showed the tracking number 1 days after I received my goods.

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    Oh yeah just signed up for the UPS thing, hope ill hear something back from it.

    Yeah sadly I just need Patience now :x

    Thanks for your help though!

  • Good news!

    I ordered a Ready2Race bundle on the 14.12.2023 and it was delivered yesterday the 19.12.2023.

    Very good turn around time! I am located in Germany so that may have helped!

  • Guten tag ich habe eine frage ich bin richtig am verzweifeln .....

    Ich habe am 09.02.2024 ein komplettes setup wert über 1000€ bestellt per vorauskasse das habe ich anschliesend direkt per echtzeit überwiesen .. auf der homepage steht bestellung in bearbeitung doch als ich heute 13.02.2024 dem fanatec support eine email geschrieben habe haben die mir geschrieben das noch keine zahlung eingegangen ist :// komisch meine bank sagt das geld steht fanatec zur verfügung soll ich einfach abwarten oder was sagt ihr ?

  • Hey Enrico. Forum language is English, please keep up with the rules. You may use a translator. ;)

    Is there a reason you prefer a real time transfer over anything that you should do in 2024? Doing a real time transfer can contain human errors like wrong numbers. Also you can not refund the money if you are unhappy. So many reasons to not use any manual transfer. Check if you did a mistake and say goodbye to your money.

    Do not get me wrong. I totally understand your frustration and you are concerned that your money is not where it should be. Fanatec support is bad these days. They won't get you the valid answer for your questions as the support employees seem to lack some knowledge of their own system.

    I got a support answer for a questions about a fullfilled order with the option to cancel this order. It was already delivered and in use. So they did not even review the order to answer my question but replied with a default answer.

    So if a support employee writes that your money has not arrived, then they have done their job as badly as possible. 

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