Rebrand to FanaSCAM

With a huge success in scamming people over black friday week sales Fanatec must be renamed to FanaSCAM. They are no more a tech company but a scam company.

Again FanaSCAM



  • it would be good to engage journalistic houses that are related to financial reports and notifications in the financial world, so that Fanatec (FanaSCAM 😂) investors are introduced to the reality of the nefarious business

  • Everyone should just start calling them FanaSCAM. Let them suck it up. They deserve it for fucking with us.

    I am sure FanaSCAM is the most hated company in 2023.

  • I wonder what the financials of this company really are, their stock is down like 250%.

  • SCAMatec!

  • edited December 2023

    I've used Fannytec, but now use Failtec - now "Failtec" comes up as a word suggestion on my iPad. LOL!

    I think FanaSCAM is even more accurate.

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