All hope is lost at this point

My BF order from the 26th still hasn't had a change in status since the 27th when it was marked as completely shipped, other then you guys quietly changing that status to say what it really means, handover to warehouse.. This past Wednesday in yet another update from fanatec, for US customers, stated you were finalizing the final day of BF orders (27th) and should be caught up by the end of the week.. Then have the fucking balls to say, hurry up and order before this Sunday if you want to receive your Christmas orders in time.. Fucking WILD!!! If you guys were finalizing the last day of BF sales on Wednesday, then where the hell is my order from the day before????? If this wasn't 95% of my sons Christmas present, I would have long issued a charge back by now.. guess he can sit in the empty rig, I've already assembled in anticipation of this order, and watch his little brother open all his stuff that came in on time while holding a print out of the invoice.... thanks... happy fucking holidays fanatec


  • Yes, it makes no sense and is frankly insulting. I, like yourself, ordered for my little brother on the 23rd of November, does that mean they've missed me out as per their recent comms?

    I had a csl 8nm kit, csl elite v2s and mclaren wheel with a qr2 lite. Nothing they have said so far has indicated any shortage of what I've ordered but yet I'm seeing people in the same region (UK) recieve orders before mine despite ordering after.

    You'd assume first in first out is how their warehouse is operating but alas it seems there's no rhyme or reason to how they're working.

    Honestly, if they'd been upfront I could have planned for Christmas accordingly and gone with another brand but it seems highly likely the poor kid will be sat in his rig imaging a setup lol.

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