CSL DD (5 NM) has this ever been in stock?

Ordered on 25.11 a whole setup, first time sim racing user, I got the ready2race 5NM bundle + 3rd pedal + shifter

everything was on stock the day I bought it

then CSL DD changed to available Dec, 1 on Dec, 1st

today it changed again to available Dec, 14

my order has been in In process blue box since the very first day

is anyone else that ordered this bundle or the base experiencing the same issue?

has anyone received the CSL DD at all?

I feel like I am just being scamed as a free loaner


  • Same here nothing at all same date as your order also.

  • For me it is the same. ordered on 2. December. Order still in process and the eu webshop shows it is in stock lol

  • Same case for me. I ordered on 26.11 when it was on pre-order though. Today got changed to 14.12, yesterday r2r bundle availability was from 28.12, but got changed to in stock today😀.

  • For me it is the same. I ordered on 28.11

  • I don’t understand why they won’t put shipping in 7 - 30 days, would right away manage customer expectations a little better.

    But then again it’s completely different customer experience. I’m already addicted to watching my order status and thinking about canceling and ordering things for more money😂😂.

  • edited December 2023

    I'm going to assume there are a few things at play.

    1. Internal issues from leadership with procedures that are effective and efficient.
    2. They have several items back ordered and prefer to keep the sales coming rather than telling anyone they are back ordered.

    To be fair, the back order issue is likely also tied to number 1. The feedback loop from various countries and their respective warehouses is likely extremely poor. This will cause the websites to be wrong for "in stock" items.

    With all that said, communication would resolve all the issues, but their perspective is to keep their head down take your money and just hope no content creator wrecks them on social media.

  • yeah... reading this I assume that it is not only the CSL DD, but a few different products they don't really have stock of and they are just following the same strategy for them.

    I've read that if the product arrives 30 days late or more, you should ask the company for some kind of compensation, especially if due to those delays a gift was screwed or you could not enjoy it during some holidays. I, as someone who doesn't want to go over cancellations and reorders, I am going to take that route once the products arrive... I feel like at the very least the delivery expenses should be refunded.

    I'll update here if I get any changes with my order, but something tells me that we'll not be having this until next year

  • Same here. Ordered 29/11 the r2r bundle.


  • Mine changed to completely shipped also. Hopefully they can ship it/give products to UPS before they go to holidays.

  • Mine too, it just changed to completely shipped, let's see how long this takes...

  • Good luck guys! That just gave me hope XD

  • I searched the tracking number by reference on UPS site and voila. Shows 3 packages on the way with estimated arrival friday 22.12.

    If that's correct then they shipped it the same day. On fanatec site there's no tracking.

  • Not for me, mine is shipping to the UK so it will probably take a bit more

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