
I ordered on November 20th.

Order number 1804648

I ordered and my package is saying completely shipped but ups have no knowledge of it or any notifications to collect this.

This is a Xmas present 😔 will I have it in time.

Some one help a stressed mammy please 🙏


  • the completely shipped status is misleading and only means your order has been sent to the warehouse. It doesn't mean its been picked up by UPS.

    i can't comment on whether you will get your items in time for Xmas but if i were you i would prepare for the worst outcome

  • Liam thank you for your reply. I think I will have to accept that it won't come now. Over €700 spent for my teenage sons Xmas present and will wake up to a pj's and lynx set Xmas morning 😔

    Can't even get a refund to get him something else.

    And he could not wait until he could use this as he heard so much and did as much jobs etc as he could the last few months and mammy saved so much so I could order this back in November to make sure he would have it 😔

    It's awful esp this time of year and to have to tell him won't be anything under the tree is 💔

  • This is absolutely terrible situation for you. My heart goes out to you this is so hard reading this been a parent myself. I hope FANATEC sees your post and acts on it ASAP. Good Luck.🤞

  • You’re welcome, Melissa. I’ve got young kids myself so can sympathise with your situation.

    hopefully they understand that you did your best and it was totally out of your control.

    yep might be best to prepare them for the worst and then if it does come it’s a bonus.

    best of luck

  • Thanks everyone. It's heart breaking and after spending this much on this (which he was dying to get and try) there is no money to buy anything else 😔

    I'm sure I'm not the only one but having ordered before black Friday and people saying orders made after this some shipped is awful.

    I don't think they have any system in place.

    Just update people and give them a option isn't alot to ask for a week before Xmas 😭😔

  • Thank you. Please keep us informed on your situation Melissa. I hope something works out for you. Do you mind me asking what country is your item shipping too.

  • I'm in Ireland. No word from fanatec at all still tried everything to get in touch. So I think it's safe to say my son wnt be happy Xmas morning 😔

  • Same boat Melissa, they sent my boys out with the wrong paperwork and has been sat in the warehouse since the 29th, it's a absolute joke I'd happily pay the extra on the moza stuff if I'd known about the issues before hand, being stuck in limbo with the excuses in not helping, dreading the time when we have to get in contact for any warranty issues..... Hopefully they can sort this before Christmas 🎁 good luck 🤞

  • It's actually ridiculous isn't it. My son insisted this company had the best wheels etc so I presumed would be the best to go with. Had I known I would have defo ordered from someplace else. Yeah I'd happily pay anything now for him to have something under the tree Xmas morning if I had it. Think your doing the best thing ordering before black Friday and to be told it's completely shipped when it's not is very misleading 😔

  • Hi Melissa,

    I saw a lot of comments that some customers get in touch with ENDOR which is the mother company. They were able to resolve the issue with the delivery(Not BlackFriday ones). So you could try and hope they can deliver the items for your child's Christmas.

  • Thank you so much I will definitely try this ❤️

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