Waiting for order, waiting for replacement wheel...

In addition to waiting for my order from 11/21, I'm still left waiting for a replacement wheel I mailed to them on 10/4. After a good 2 weeks of silence since I mailed the wheel in, I reached out to them and they seemed confused that I hadn't received a replacement wheel yet. From there, it was back and forth throughout all of November and on into December. Still no replacement wheel. They did refund me for the quick release that was attached to it, though they didn't reach out to me to let me know they had done that.

I think it would be more acceptable in my mind if they would just straight up tell me that my order/replacement wouldn't arrive till January, at least then there would be some level of communication. You absolutely shouldn't just leave customer's in the dark that have poured so much money into your company.

The biggest shame for me is that I genuinely like their products, I love the equipment I've had from Fanatec. I even briefly switched out to a Logitech DD and went right back to Fanatec. I like their ecosystem. I just can't say I feel comfortable continuing business with a company that thinks it's okay to treat their customers this way.

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