Informationen zu meinen Bestellungen


meine Bestellungen stehen schon seit Tagen auf Komplett versendet!

Jedoch bekomme ich keine Sendungsnummer!

Ans Telefon bekommt man auch niemanden ganz zu schweigen das jemand es für nötig hält auf meine email zu antworten!

Die Wheelbase sagt man 4-7 Tage Lieferzeit....

Das Lenkrad war zum Zeitpunkt des Kaufs verfügbar.... kommt mir also nicht mit Lieferung erfolgt im Januar!!!

Wann wird geliefert ich möchte jetzt endlich antworten!!!


  • In this Forum english is the language which has to be used, so that also the other members can read and understand your inquiry.

    Completly shipped just means, that your stuff was braught to the warehouse. Due to the huge amount of sells during the BF sale, they need additional 10 days to handle everything in the warehouse. This was written in an official statement here in the forum.

    In most cases the Stuff is delivered to the customer before a tracking number is shown in the account.

    Fanatec is sending via UPS so you can check the UPS tracking by searching via the referenz number. as referenz number you take your Fanatec Order numbers. If your stuff is already picked up by UPS, you will find it this way.

    Not the way it should be, but maybe a little help for you!

  • Maar als dat zo is en k ben niet thuis wat dan ?

  • Hello

    I followed your advice and tried to find the tracking number using the reference number.

    In both cases there was no result!

    I just can't understand how Fanatec can react like that!

    You simply switch off telephone support!

    You allow up to 14 days to respond to emails.

    In the live chat, when the chat is online, no one goes after an hour of trying in vain.

    The only thing that works is to annoy the customers!


  • It's really shameful what you're doing here!

    If you try to call in the morning, you will be told to call between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. please. If you try it then you will simply be brushed off with a recorded message.

    You follow the instructions you were given here and you get no results because the goods you bought and paid for were not sent despite the status being completely shipped... what's the excuse now?

    I didn't make this bad planning, you made it and you have to correct it too.

    You have verifiably received my return.... I'm curious how long this will take!

    Be honest with your customers and tell them what's going on, don't beat around the bush.... you can be sure of one thing: I won't wait until January. Before that, I'll contact consumer protection and a lawyer... it'll be quite difficult It'll take a long time, but what you're doing is bordering on fraud.

    Given the current situation, I really have to say FANATEC never again!!!

    and I can only advise the same to my friends...

    I'm curious if and when the DD+, GT DD Pro 8Nm and the V2.5 X steering wheel will be delivered.

    DD+ said delivery on 12/19/23

    GT DD PRO should be delivered within 4-7 days

    The announcement for the steering wheel was also 4-7 days....

    So disappointed especially with the way you treated us!

    These statements that some of the goods would reach the customer before the tracking number was visible.... all bullshit

    finally move your carcasses and ship the goods to your customers.

    It's incomprehensible how this company could get so far with this approach.

    1800€ + 199€ in returns that Fanatec has from me and then you can't even get proper communication with your customers

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