should I be worried?

I've been saving for months for some fanatec gear (I'm 14) and bought it this past Sunday and nothing has happened since I've been looking for the tracking number but nothing has popped up. And it has said completely shipped this whole time. Then I looked on the forums and saw all the complains about orders not arriving and poor customer service and I'm starting to get worried. I thought I could trust a bigger brand but I'm starting to regret buying from them:( (I SPENT $640!)


  • It's just very slow, or rather it could be very slow, but sooner or later it will come. Get in your head that you could wait even after Christmas, especially if you have purchased more things. If you purchased a pre-order item you will have to wait for it to return to stock. If you read this forum you might get an idea of ​​what awaits you.

    By now you've sailed on this boat, sit back and try to be Zen, you can't realistically do much else with this company.

    It could still arrive on time, my order arrived at home in just 7 days. But it seems like an exception.

  • Im still waiting for my order from 12th September!

    You have managed to send it with wrong exportpapers, been returened to your warehouse and stayed there for 3 weeks before I got a mail, and latest the 13th nov your Madeleine from customer support said that my order will be escalated... Thats now 26 days ago! Get your act together and ship me my PAID items NOW!

    Legal actions will be taken if this is not solved within 7 days! Terje Nybro Order 1785251

  • Past Sunday is not to much, I receive the package after more than 2 weeks. Let's be positive

  • I know but I'm just getting concerned from all these complaints on the forums. Also it has said completely shipped since the day after i ordered it.

  • Completely shipped dosent mean it’s been shipped to you, just means fanatec have passed the order to the warehouse for shipping prep.

    it will then go label created, maybe stuck there for a few days or weeks, but thats when you should get the tracking number.

    I ordered some stuff on the 24th nov, items stuck on label created since 3rd dec. so you just have to wait a bit longer, there are long delays.

  • yep, i was 2 weeks in completely shipped and then arrived

  • My item was lost by ups 2 weeks ago, claim filed and issued to fanatec but still no communication from them to reship my order from 10th november, absolute shambles and joke of a company

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