Important Information Regarding Your Order 1833775 in the Fanatec Online Shop

Dear Fanatec Team,

I sent you an Email but I will write also here in puplic.

This is the translated text of my mail:

Good day,

In order to avoid unnecessary stress from the outset, I offer two options:

1st option:
Remove the batch discount from the order and give me the 10% discount on the APM offered below.
I will pay the price difference immediately via Paypal.

2nd option:
Remove the APM and discount and invoice me for the difference in price for the remainder of the order, which I will also promptly pay.

Of course I'm looking forward to the steering wheel and the button caps, which I purchased as part of the BF campaign and have already paid for.

I expect your customer-oriented cooperation also with regard to the further orders that I have already placed and paid for.
Total value around €2,000

In order to clarify the issue quickly, I can be reached at any time at the telephone number provided.

Thank you!

Dear Customer,

We hope this message finds you well. Unfortunately, we must inform you about a significant change in the status of your recent ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula V2.5 X order in our Fanatec Online Shop.

We sincerely regret to inform you that we have to contest the entire purchase agreement between you and us, the Endor AG, made on 24. Nov 23 under 1833775.This implies that the agreement, encompassing all items in your order, is considered void and null from the beginning.

During the Black Friday event, due to an exceptionally high volume of traffic on our website, we encountered issues with several orders. These included discrepancies between the invoiced amounts and the advertised Black Friday prices. A technical glitch in our online shop led to unintended discounts, resulting in incorrect pricing during the ordering process.

It is crucial to emphasize that we had no intention of concluding a purchase agreement at the mistakenly indicated price. At the time of your purchase, the declaration error was unknown to us, and the automation of our online purchase process allowed your order to proceed. Had we been aware of this error, we would have declined your offer immediately.

Furthermore, we would like to point out that consciously exploiting a pricing error goes against good faith. In light of this, no valid purchase agreement has been established between you and the Endor AG for the aforementioned order.

Simultaneously, as a gesture of goodwill, we would like to offer you a voucher with a 10% discount for the purchase of a steering wheel until April 2024. This voucher is exclusively valid for your account, and you will receive further details in a separate email.

For any inquiries or further clarification, please feel free to contact us through [contact information].

Best regards,

Team Fanatec


  • Same.

    I already responded via Email that if they will simply cancel my order making me also not getting the v3 Pedals, Shifter, QR2 and 2.5x for the Blackfriday pricing i request also a refund for my previously ordered CSL DD Bundle.

  • It's outrageous and shabby....

    In my case, I placed 2 orders, because I thought I had done something wrong with the first one.

    I was aware of the price error from the first moment, in fact I sent them an email that, evidently, they have not even read.

    Even so, on the 25th they gave the ok to the order, and sent me the invoice.

    2 weeks waiting and in the end they treat us like delinquents, not even giving us the option to pay the correct amount.

    I don't feel like taking any legal action but we would certainly have everything to gain.

    For my part, I am ending all commercial action with this company, I want nothing more to do with you, you have disrespected me.


  • edited December 2023

    This email is insulting.

    Most of us did add APM to 2.5x because the site was suggesting it, and they call that bad faith.

    Whether you ordered just the bugged items or an entire setup, it looks like they don't care at all.

    On top of that, i'm still waiting for my money back, and if you can't offer more than 10% on a wheel to the guys who tried to buy way more than just a wheel, you can put it where i think, someone else will get my money.

  • edited December 2023

    Same here. I pointed out to them that the New QR2 base side discount was 80%, so, who could know the bundle discount for F1 2.5x+APM+ caps wasn't intended? (71.5% discount only)

    + They took the cash for the moment

    Waiting for their response.

    Here is my mail:

    Thank you for your email concerning my order 1830855 .
    First, I would like to point out your statement " Furthermore, we would like to point out that consciously exploiting a pricing error goes against good faith. In light of this, no valid purchase agreement has been established between you and the Endor AG for the aforementioned order."
    You made enormous discount during this black friday, for example 4.95€ instead of 29.95€ for caps , or even29.95€ instead of 149.95€ for NEW product QR2 base side
    You cannot insinuate any form of exploitation from me.
    Your site suggested I add an additional item that matched my needs to my basket.
    The total discount was 71.43% (159.95€ for 559.95€ ) as you know. But compared to the 80.02% of the QR2 discount, or the 83.5% for the caps, how could I imagine that it was not intended?
    In light of this, I contest your order cancellation which has no coherent basis.
    Furthermore, a 10% discount for a future order is in no way consistent with the damage I suffered.
    I was debited for the amount of my order, and in any case, I can no longer take advantage of the Black Friday discounts, the event having ended. I have been a loyal customer of your company, as proven by my order history, but if you persist in your position, this will stop.
    Best Regards
  • Same issue here. I placed my order based on what was suggested by the website. I only found out it was too good to be true later when I found out on social media that it was most likely an error. I thought that Fanatec would provide an option for full refund AND an option to pay the difference as those black Friday deals are now long gone. I'm not impressed.

  • edited December 2023

    The best move from them now would be to keep the Price as it is but delete the APM.

    This would be like having the 10% excuse voucher on the 2.5x.

  • edited December 2023

    The way they're treating us is insane. It was black Friday. Things being discounted is expected, we ordered the standard f1 style wheel + apm bundle in good faith.

    V2.5x wheel is oos now, our money was held for 2 weeks already, and every item we did a BF deal for in the same order was rejected.

    They should have honoured our orders, but I understand, this is fanatec. They have a reputation to uphold.

    They should have invoiced us the difference, and asked us to pay it, or have the option of cancelling the specific portion of the order they billed incorrectly for.

    Failing that, the bare minimum way of not spitting in our face would have been to give us separate rain check discounts for the intended price of each item in the order, so we could reorder at the black Friday price when items come back in stock

  • Sadly I am also affected by this. Waiting on a response from them.

    I received by refund via Paypal today but due to the exchange rate I'm £25 out of pocket.

    The way they have gone about this is pretty terrible and I expect them to stand by our orders. At the end of the day we didn't do anything wrong.

  • Also waiting on a response from them, hopefully they will offer a fair solution. This would be my first purchase from Fanatec and my integration to their ecosytem. Shame that it went this way, we could proceed without the specific product in question. Unfortunately, the current resolution offered falls short of addressing the gravity of the situation.

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