Has anybody received any orders from this company in the last two weeks?

I have one critical question...

Has anybody received any orders from this company in the last two weeks?

From the day I made my order (27.11.2023), I read every day articles from disappointed people who didn't receive anything from their orders...AND NO INFO...

Please if somebody received anything from this company during those two weeks add a comment.

I paid for something to enjoy in 2023 not in 2025... This is not a long-term investment it's a pleasure...

Nobody likes the delay of his pleasure or to be trapped...

I'm waiting for your comments...



  • Yes, ordered Formula v2.5x steering wheel + stickers, Saturday 25 November, delivered Saturday 2 December. Italy.

  • Yes. I got my order today. I ordered the nov 24.

    Also my brother ordered the same, one day before me to the same house, but he didn't have the same lucky than me. Gambling

  • So when will my order be shipped? Order number 1843909

    its marked completely shipped and I placed my order on 23rd but no tracking number or anything….

    what company takes orders and has flash sales for Black Friday if they can’t fulfil them?

    community is freaking out and false information isn’t helping, company’s like moza are getting it right but fanatec can’t 😢

  • My is 1830413 placed in 22. So you can make an idea such amount or order this company must have waiting. We could put our order number and date and say if this is received or sent to make an idea when we could be receiving it in view that fanatec doesnt say anything.

  • I placed order Nov 29th, no cigar yet! keep checking to see if I get a tracking # and no luck, ugh! It does say completely shipped.

    I emailed them and this is the response I got, BTW I'm in Los Angeles.

    Dear Jose, 

    Thank you for reaching out to Fanatec customer service!

    Your order has already been processed in our warehouse.

    Some of you may be receiving status updates, such as "completely shipped", but until our delivery partner picks up the packages, no tracking number is issued.

    You can also check your order in your Fanatec account as your tracking information will be uploaded there once it has left our warehouse. - Not visible on mobile device.

    We hope you’ll be satisfied with your new products and are enjoying the sim racing experience!

    Thank you and take care!

    Best regards / Freundliche GrüßeBrigita

    (Fanatec Sales Order Management Team)

  • yes, 11/27 order, 12/6 arrived. JAPAN

  • Ok, Italy delivered... Japan also... Los Angeles the Fanatec Order Management Team responded... Greece NOTHING...

    Diego, Lee, Pablo, from where are you?

    At least we know the company exists....🤣

  • Izzy .Izzy . Member
    edited December 2023

    CS Pedals V3 black friday deal.

    Ordered 20th November, delivered 28th Nov.


  • Yes, my order (CSL DD kit) is delivered too. I ordered this on 24th of November and today 8th of December it has arrived.

    Kind regards,



  • I placed the same order of Alessandro Gortan but one day before him and nothing is shipped. Im in Italy too. My order status reported "completely shipped" but i don't have tracking code yet

  • I have two orders and two tracking numbers but I’ve been waiting for over a month and still nothing 😫 it’s very disappointing reading that others who ordered well after me have received there orders !

  • Can LökerCan Löker Member
    edited December 2023

    i pre ordered November 13th, got the message on November 28th that it is ready for shipping and until today December 8th it is not shipped - from Germany ..... and the company is german 😅

  • edited December 2023

    1830413 ordered 22 november, to Spain. No signal, no response from fanatec. No tracking number. No possibility or response to cancel it for a refund either. A friend of mine ordered in 20 november and he received it several days ago (we live in a close villages so the place is almost the same)

    Edit to say that all the products were and are available at the time of the order

    edited December 2023

    Placed an order on 11/27.

    "Some of you may be receiving status updates, such as "completely shipped", but until our delivery partner picks up the packages, no tracking number is issued." which means "not my problem" 😀

    I figure it was show-up eventually. Longer term solution is to find another vendor.

  • DD2 Base. Took just over two weeks to be delivered to UK.

  • Hello to all, hope you are doing well.

    Ordered 11/23 QR2 Base side Type-C ( not available until Dec. 27). Shows on order fully shipped. No tracking #.

    Ordered 11/24 CSL Elite Pedals V.2 ( Available) Shows on order fully shipped . No tracking #. Wanted to take advantage of BF deals on both items.

    12 /1 Rec. email from Fedex a package label created with tracking #. shows 1 package being sent.

    12/2 Rec. text message from Fedex package on the way delivery by 12/6

    12/5 Rec . text message from Fedex package on the way delivery by 12/7.

    12/7 Package delivered and was received. The CSL Elite pedals were delivered.

    I am patiently waiting for the QR2 base side to be delivered. Shows completely shipped but no Tracking #. That is because the warehouse will not create a shipping label until they receive the equipment in stock and then will fill the order. No tracking # until label is created. Also I live in the USA. Hope all of this works out for everyone. I think if Fanatec would perhaps reply again on how they do their orders, shipping and what delays the shipment going out it would perhaps help in understanding the procedure a little better.

    Hope this helps. Oh I also ordered the QR2 wheel side and is not available until Jan. 17 but need it because of the QR2 base side that will be coming in as soon as the warehouse gets a shipment in!!! Later

  • i have orderedd on 23 nov and 24 nov

    my order from 23rd nov came on the 4th of December.

    However important to note here: UPS did NOT send any eMail with a tracking Number as Fanatec claims, also not in my spam folder etc.

    I kept refreshing the order page on the Fanatec Account website and the Tracking for it actually appeared only AFTER UPS has actually unloaded that packet at a UPS Access Point near me (yes they did not attempt to get it to me directly)

    So basically since the Trackingnumber was onnly visible after this i had no idea they have delvired already on the 4th of December. That only became clear once i then checked the tracking and saw it alreaddy delivered, i have then picke dit up on 5th of december from that UPS Access Point.

    In regards to my 24th Nov Order:

    Still absolutley nothing, no tracking,

  • 1857972 ordered on November 27, to Spain. No signal, no response from fanatec. No tracking number. There is also no possibility or response to cancel it for a refund.

  • Guys, additionally i also want to add to my last post:

    For my 24th nov order i still have NOT Received any email with a trackign number and also the Fanatec website doesnt show Tracking Numbers.

    However UPS has the functionality to search for a packet by reference number, i searched that way with my order number and country and post code where it suppose to be shipped.

    This way i can see that UPS is already having my package and they plan to deliver it on the 12th of December.

    So it looks like multiple things are failing here: for one fanatec itself not updating tracking on their page properly, two: ups not sending an email nor an SMS regarding the packet and its shipment ...

  • and where can I obtain my Reference #?

  • USA - Formula v2.5 x ordered Nov 24 delivered on Nov 8.

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