Plain Shipping Boxes, Thankyou 👍

Just wanted to say I appreciate the addition of plain shipping boxes, my last 2 orders arrived like this.

Not only does it not draw unwanted attention from opportunists it also allows this contraband to enter the house under my wife's radar 🤣


  • Surprised you have actually received your order. Most of us have been waiting 3+ weeks and don't even have a tracking number.

  • That's surprising. Everything I've ordered from Fanatec in the past (most recent order was my CSL DD and McLaren wheel about 2 years ago), and everything came in clearly marked "Fanatec" labeling and packages. Not the greatest idea to advertise "expensive electronics inside!", especially around the holidays.

    Good to see that perhaps Fanatec have wisened up a bit (at least in this regard). Hopefully it's a trend that will continue.

  • Yeah, got a delivery 1,5 weeks ago and that wheel had the Fanatec brown box

  • Or possibly ran out of Fanatec label outer boxes for holiday rush and temporarily using plain boxes

  • Nope, genuine boxes inside a plain box. Even 2 items inside one box!

    I think the move to a new distributer will ultimately be a good thing once its all sorted and the dust has settled 👍

  • by default its good if there is no any logos and so on at package, also its good when they are at one package, that guarantees that some smaller object not go lost at the sorting center

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