BME for repair is missing in Fanatec's warehouse for almost 2 months and no solution presented to me

Dear Fanatec repesentatives,

Up until now, I have never had such a poor experience with your customer service. I sent a Button Module Endurance for repair delivered to you on October 6, as per UPS proof of delivery.

I inquired on october 23 about the delay in the repair and return of the BME and was told it never arrived to your warehouse.

I replied with the date of shippment and was asked for a tracking number. Bad service number 1: the RMA label was sent to me by Fanatec so the tracking number was already there since I replied to the same email where the RMA label was.

But, to don't delay things further, I attached the same RMA label and a proof of delivery from UPS website.

I was then asked for a screenshot showing it had arrived at the workshop. Bad service number 2: a screenshot is worth more than a pdf with a proof of delivery from the tracking website, the same that anyone with a tracking number can get.

Then, after more than a month and tired of all this, I send a picture of the package, which I took just in case, and that is what sets in motion the forwarding of the matter to another department. Bad service numer 3: it shouldn't have taken a photo of a package for someone to start looking for the missing product.

And bad service number 4: it's not admissible to take almost a week to respond to my emails and the need for me to send follow up emails requiring a reply!!!

After all this time, I still don't know where my BME is, if it is or will be repaired or if Fanatec intends to replace the misplaced item as it should have already been done by any reputable company!

And to make thing worse, the quality control of the products must be lowering or I'm just unlucky as my Podium DD2 is also misbehaving with rough and very high resistance movement and for which I'm having a better support.

This is an inadmissible way to treat existing and long time customers. The temptation to sell everything and go with another brand is very high at the moment, all due to such a poor customer service.

Waiting patiently for a swift reply. Thank you.


  • Whatever happened to their live chat?

  • Live chat and phone shut down due to logistics problems and to much enquiries

  • I see. Not enough staff. Bit of a joke they're doing sales they take peoples money and cant fulfil orders / returns in a timely manner. Yet you can't get a response for weeks it seems like for some people. i was going to purchase some gear seems like I dodged a bullet judging by the posts!

  • Last time I got any "useful" response was 12 days ago.

    After I asked why I didn't yet get any response or information, the answer I got was that the person on tech support who I've been trading emails isn't the correct department to check the Issue for me, and that it was already forwarded to the correct department and that they would check it.

    But nothing until now. So, I'm not getting my hopes high.

    And even here not a single reply from someone from Fanatec. I guess this says it all...

    My Podium DD2 also has a RMA, but I won't be sending it until I get the BME back.

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