ClubSport Steering Wheel F1® 2023 - Question

Hello, I have a rather silly question, but unfortunately, I can't ask customer service as it's nearly impossible to get in touch with them, and I haven't received a response in two days.

When I purchased the Black Friday bundle for this steering wheel, the QR2 was listed as a separate item in the bundle, with availability marked for December 15th. Now I see that in that bundle, the QR2 is no longer listed as a separate item but included in the bundle, which is now available for shipping in 4-7 days.

However, in my order summary, I still see the QR2 as a separate item available from December 15th. Will I still have to wait until December 15th for the shipment? Or will it be considered as included in the bundle and shipped within 4-7 days?

I hope I've been clear. Thanks in advance to anyone who can answer this.


  • Same Problem. They ship until everything is available. Allthough the wheel would we available in some days u have to wait. I tried to ask the support for separate shipping (which I would pay ofc), but they didn't reply yet

  • Same here and now saying Dec 22nd on my order just for Qr2… hope this can be changed as putting a 1000 eur + delayed by one month for a QR would really be upsetting (and the base will be on top) plus gone for Christmass meaning no way to get the delivery …. Quite stressed with this order too from my end :/

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