Yet another unsatisfied customer.

I can understand that moving a warehouse can be complicated, but to mock your customers to this extent is unheard of. The least you can do is respond to people and inform them. I placed an order on October 29th (I know some people have waited several months and that my case is not the worst.) and I spent over 2900€. No indicated delivery time, no tracking number coming through, deceitful emails. The least you can do is inform and clearly indicate that delivery times are longer than usual when ordering (instead of indicating 4-7 days), or at least respond to support requests. Seeing all the messages on Reddit and on this forum, I am impressed by how long this has been going on and the complete lack of involvement from Fanatec. However, I see there are people available to post on social media and publish shorts. You need to wake up, hire more people or whatever, but please do something.

And if someone from Fanatec happens to come across this forum, which I doubt, my order number is 1778723


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