Glad to see Fanatec has ample time to post shorts on YouTube

Why is it two shorts videos have been posted on YouTube in the last couple of days but can't seem to find the time to respond to the dozens of inquiries regarding delays, tracking numbers and alike?

Here's a thought, post a video explaining why a new product (CSDD) was advertised as being available for Nov 7 in the middle of October and a day before shipments, notified all it wasn't going to happen. Furthermore, and more relevant to the current situation, assure those that have pre-ordered that the delivery of Nov 14 will be made. And if not, when?

Apologies for being a bit snarky, in the past three days I have seen one reply from an admin on the thread related to inquiries of orders older than 14 days. Meanwhile another two to three pages of folks looking for answers are just getting more upset.

Thank you


  • That's the Fanatec way, unfortunately. They bank on their (increasingly undeserved) reputation as an "elite" sim racing hardware manufacturer. They know that despite how poorly they treat their customers, despite all the excuses, false promises, and questionable business tactics, people will continue to flock to them and willingly hand over their money. As long as this is the case, why should they feel pressured to do anything differently?

  • I guess if nothing else it comes down to pride. I would hope they have a QMS in place to address all facets of the business, but I don't see any reference to it in the About Us.

  • In YT videos, Thomas did talk about delay issues at the EU warehouse, which I'm sure also affect the US warehousing. Also in the CSDD/CSDD+ video at the 2023 ADAC Expo the kid mentioned delivery times depended on suppliers.

    Has Fanatec ever been guilty of multiple product pushbacks before? IDK

    I'm getting anxious too, WANT my CSDD, i'm still sporting a CS V1.1 LOL

    Guess we will know Monday if the shipping notices start coming out

  • Anxious, you hit the nail on the head. I just get stressed from what I have been reading about weeks turning into months.

    Positive thoughts for Nov 14 :)

  • At least it is only a week of delay.

    With the Podium DD1 and DD2 the delays where more then 6 months.

  • They replied to my comment on the Youtube short in a couple hours. Maybe thats where we should direct all out our support queries

  • ... Great News ...

  • David DeGreefDavid DeGreef Member
    edited November 2023

    So I checked my order and now the date has been moved up! Go figure.

  • Mine has not been moved to an earlier date, it has been updated to November 28th. But I'm happy for you!

    When did you order it? I placed mine on October 14th.

  • David DeGreefDavid DeGreef Member
    edited November 2023

    Thanks Jonas, I placed my order on Oct 21/USA.

    I haven't seen any posts regarding an earlier date, or received an e-mail stating as much. Only on My Orders page did I see that it was moved up.

    I'm sorry to hear that your date has been moved back. It must just be getting product off the boats from China and getting it through customs. However you wouldn't know that from the lack of transparency. C'mon Fanatec give your loyal customers a bit more info.

  • Jack PickettJack Pickett Member
    edited November 2023

    Mine says Nov 10, 2023 as well (Ordered Oct 14/USA) and the CANCEL ORDER button is now gone. HOPE this is not a mistake cuz I saw where it got pushed back to Nov 28th now (First batch sold out?)

    ...ANXIOUSLY waiting for a shipping confirmation

  • I would like to be able to say with confidence that delivery will be soon, but I will wait until which time I get a tracking number verified by FedEx. A post by Maurice B. stated something to all new orders for the CSDD were to be Nov 28. then he edited it to say all orders were to be pushed out to the 28th. I just went to bring that post up and now I can't find it.

    An official post from James said that they are doing better on contacting people that are having delay issues. Good to know.

  • Hello, I wanted to know if you will see more delays in the CS DD base? Because it's been almost two months since I made the reservation, I'm wondering if that would cancel the order and opt for another brand.

    thank you

  • David DeGreefDavid DeGreef Member
    edited November 2023

    USA - I can only speak to my experience, my order is now listed as 'In Progress' as of Nov 10. People in the EU and surrounding countries seem o have a Nov 28 date.

    Even if further delays were imminent in my case I believe I would hold out as from watching videos on other offerings and my experience with other Fanatec products and at this price point makes me skeptical of switching brands. But would certainly under stand those that do.

  • Well Dave, keep your fingers crossed. We will probably know Monday/Tuesday if are bases are coming

  • I'm losing circulation in my fingers TBH, so after today if no new news I am just going to avoid as much of this as I can because all it does is aggravate me in the lack response from Fanatec.

    FYI another short video was just posted LOL. Maybe I was wrong in that any wannabe YouTuber can tag Fanatec? Oh well, Good luck.

  • Im on the same boat as Dave, NOV 10th, still no update and "In progress".

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