If Fanatec won't move on from FedEx, perhaps I'll just go second hand next time.

I am immensely frustrated with FedEx as a courier and the inability to select another courier when placing orders. Their website doesn't offer many options, half of which don't work all the time, and there's hardly any way to get in touch with a human being to sort stuff out.

Because Fanatec in their infinite wisdom decides to box every single part of the order individually in their own tiny boxes, this creates multiple tracking numbers. One box is designated the 'master' tracking number, and the rest are part of the shipment. Because FedEx website doesn't offer many options, any changes you make to a master tracking number, such as to hold package somewhere instead of delivering since they require a signature and I'm not going to be available, are only applied to the master tracking number. Simultaneously, for whatever reason, there isn't an option to make such delivery changes for any other tracking number associated with the master number. This effectively splits the order delivery until master tracking number is delivered.

I have autism. I have anxiety disorders. I have insomnia. I can't always be available whenever FedEx decides to show up, which by the way, is typically hours before or after the 'estimated time window' put on the tracking information for my address. I am not going to deal with signing for another delivery from Fanatec ever again. It is beyond stressful and completely takes up my entire day every time I order something.

PLEASE provide options for another shipping method like UPS. Heck, I'd even take USPS over FedEx. I don't care if I have to pay more because Fanatec doesn't have a big shipment contract with other couriers the way they do FedEx for USA. I'd happily pay more for shipping that doesn't ruin my entire day when it is supposed to be delivered.

Until Fanatec offers a different shipping method, or FedEx magically improves their customer service, I'm done ordering from this website. I'll go second hand if there's something I really want. That is how much pain and suffering and anxiety and stress and frustration this is causing me.



  • same thing appen to my but with the CSL steering wheel P1 V2, the order travel facility by facility around the USPS Network, and USPS as return the order to fanatec, because a shipping order information rong so its been like 2 week ago, and i dont have any news of my order, like USPS reshipped the order to fanatec, and Fanatec have received the order ans does’not ship another package, Fanatec juste does fkng care like my package as return to her and he juste do nothing like she is not a gift, juste resend me my package.

  • Jack PickettJack Pickett Member
    edited November 2023

    This seems to be the FedEx complaint dept.

    I ordered a 3 QR2 Pro bundle, a week later driver handed me 2, the third was vacationing in California for a extra day before I got it .

    Really wish Fanatec would place small items in a over pack box together. Shipping would be less for us also.

    What really IRKS me with FedEx, is the driver will say I wasn't home, when I was in fact waiting all day for a delivery. I hate liars.

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