Not delivered Order - No possibility to contact Fanatec or Endor company Terrible.

Dear All

Hello I can't contact You via phone because Your Hotline is not available. I want to know how I can get my order because UPS did not send me any mail about delivery also I did not get e-mail from Fanatec with tracking number and I did not get My order. I get information too late about unsuccessfull delivery by UPS and I get information that My order is on return way to Fanatec. I have a question how can I get My Order?

Did You received My ordered items back already. How My order can be shipped again with proper information



    Estoy igual, intentaron entregarme un fuente de alimentación 2 veces. La primera la pierde ups y la segunda la devuelven con un solo intento de entrega falso porque estaba en casa y no llamaron ni me avisaron de nada. Todavia 1 mes después, no me han respondido a las 3 consultas que les he hecho. ¡QUIERO MI DINERO YA! ESTO ES NEFASTO.

  • For your info, they have taken your money and have done nothing... I placed my order on the 28th of last month (nearly 4 weeks ago) and still have no communications from a real person at Fantec (only auto responds), they will not answer my emails and as you say, the phone line is just a message.

    I am about to start legal proceedings to get my money back and I suggest that anyone considering purchasing from this sham company, thinks twice before parting with your hard earned cash..

  • I understand your outburst, however I think you should write these comments out of here. When you purchased from Fanatec, this forum was already full of comments identical to yours, but you didn't read them, because you weren't on this forum. People come here later. Do you really want to advise others not to buy from Fanatec? Write on Reddit or similar, make videos on YouTube or write comments on the many videos that praise Fanatec products. There are a lot of videos right now for new products, write your experience in the comments of those videos. Fanatec's reputation outside of here is spotless, this alone will make Fanatec bleed.

  • James .James . Member, Administrator

    Dear Gabriel, we understand your disappointment at having to wait such an incredibly long time for your delivery without receiving updated information. A number of orders from September going to the UK and Switzerland were impacted by incomplete export documentation: . Where UPS was unable to resolve the matter, they returned the orders to our logistics partner. Here the shipments are registered and processed based on customer feedback. We provide the warehouse with daily updates on this matter, once our Customer Care Team gets the information from you whether you want an order reshipped or refunded. As each return has to be handled on a case-by-case basis, the turnaround time is slower than where we'd like it to be. However, it is important to give each case the attention it deserves. We’re still in the process of resending all orders that went back to our warehouse. Currently our Customer Care Team is facing a high number of requests due to these logistical delays, which means that the response times in some cases will take about two weeks. We know that this is a frustrating situation, and we have since taken measures to resolve this backlog as soon as possible. Once again, we want to apologize that you have to wait so long to receive your order and we want to thank you for your utmost patience and for sticking with us. 

  • Hey James - great to read something from a real person.

    Do you have any information about regular orders to Germany (placed Sept. 30th)?

    Are they also affected or is this due to unavailability of some components/products?

  • I'm interested in that too. How long does it take for the package to arrive in Berlin?

  • Really? Pretty sure it is just a copy / paste from all the other responses i have seen like this recently on here.

  • I think James is a bot. It's been posting that same message for weeks! :-)

    So many "creative" ways of not accepting fault.

    "Impacted by incomplete export documentation" really means Fanatec didn't complete the paperwork.

    "Where UPS were able to resolve the matter" side steps the fact that this is not a UPS issue, it is a Fanatec issue.

    "Once our Customer Care Team gets the information from you", makes fixing this the customers responsibility and ignores the fact that Fanatec don't read emails or answer the phone so it is impossible for customers to contact them.

    "Currently our Customer Care Team is facing a high number of requests due to these logistical delays" - forgets that they fricking told customers to contact them and really means that their own earlier mistakes have lead to an unmanageable backlog of unfulfilled orders that seems like too much effort to fix and they now have no idea if it is New Year or New York.

    "we have since taken measures to resolve this backlog as soon as possible" really means they are bumbling along in their usual manner.

    "we want to apologize" means sorry, not sorry. We have your money and that is the important part.

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