Clubsport pedals V3 - Cannot loosen screw

Erik EkErik Ek Member
edited October 2023 in Pedals

I cannot loosen both upper screws as per first step in manual 5.6.2 (on upper clutch disc); with both screws in place, both can be loosen, but once one is removed, the other just spins in its socket but yet cannot be removed.

Thought I would lubricate the piston while I am at it on the gas and brake pedals.

Any thoughts or experience?


  • That’s because each end of the pin which rotates is threaded so tightening both at the same time on the pin inside holds it tight.

    Try this - completely lossen one screw, tighten the other (but not too tight), then reverse, so when loose they turn equally freely. Use a second allen wrench to turn both at the same time w the same amount of force - this will be in opposite directions. This should allow you to back both out at the same time. If one is faster then the other a little side force on the fast side may help.

  • Thanks, I tried once more but still the same result; the screw (Left) does only come loose a little bit before proceeding to just spin in the socket. I can feel in the Allen key holding the other screw (Right) that the left first screw does cause the pin inside to spin, indicating it is still in the threads.

    Regardless, being able to lubricate the piston is not critical (yet), as it was with the throttle and brake pedals. Only use clutch to get going on the formation and race start laps. 😊

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