Incorrect shipping weights?

I have ordered the GT DD Pro (base, wheel and pedals) with 8nm upgrade. Currently have 2 shipping labels printed with items awaiting pick up by UPS. One states weight is 5.3kg and the other is 1.8kg. However, Fanatec website states that the weight of the DD Pro is 13kg plus the upgraded power pack. Concerned that UPS are picking up the wrong items. Any one else experienced this?


  • Frank de MollFrank de Moll Member
    edited October 2023

    Not here to scare you, but everything I read about Fanatecs new logistics shipping provider makes it more clear, that you'll need to "order and pray". Pray for thinks actually arriving at your house before you reach retirement age, pray that you receive all items ordered and pray that you receive the right items.

    You just really need to wait I guess.

    When did you order btw?

  • Ordered 6th October so only been 9 working days so far. Yes, from everything I have read this may well end up being a Christmas present if I am lucky :)

  • Same for me, I also ordered the GT DD pro with the 8nm boost kit.

    The weight of my two packages is also 5.3 and 1.8 kg

  • Well I feel slightly better now that I am not alone! But still not beyond possibility that it is wrong for everyone who has ordered the DD Pro

    When did you order yours and are you still at label stage?

  • Yes, I think it's a mistake on their part.

    I ordered on October 7 and received the tracking number for my order on October 16. At the moment, I'm at the label stage.

  • Same here. Think it's a lottery atm on who gets their orders.

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