F1® Esports V2 / PlayStation / DISCONNECT LEDs & SCREEN

Hi guys !

Has anyone already tried to disconnect the LED screen as well as the LED bar above the screen?

I don't need it, all the information is on the screen, and it bothers me when I play in the dark. I play on PlayStation. Maybe we can disconnect the cables in the steering wheel but I don't dare open the steering wheel...

Thank you for your answers,



  • There's always masking/ electrical tape...

  • its so funny, there are people who is waiting a similar sf1000 screen based steering wheels like nut and same time there is a people who not like stuff like this

    by the way, play total dark room is not good for you eyes, but who cares anyway

  • Perhaps in Fanalabs you can disable or lower the intensity of the LEDS?

    Other wise the electrical tape is a much better option than opening up the wheel. My experience in replacing grips on a formula wheel was something I won't do again as the wires are very precise in where they must be place without pinching them when re-assembling can be a bit of a challenge.

  • Hi Guys !

    Thank you for your answer.

    the electrical tape made the job.


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