I have odered th ClubSport DD half hour ago :)



  • edited October 2023

    Maurice, will the new FFB 2.0... aka "FullForce: Force Feedback 2.0" come to us Podium DD1 and DD2 owners and users as well?

  • edited October 2023


    From the official blogpost: At this point we do not plan to implement FullForce into the CSL DD, GT DD or Podium DD wheel bases due to technical reasons.

  • Ooops, came her straight after reading the e-mail (which didn't state that) and forgot to check the blog. 😅

    What a shame that the old stuff wasn't future proof but it is what it is. I guess, and that's just me speculating that this is the limiting factor, USB 2.0 and 3.0 has its limits on the old bases (USB2 = 1000HZ polling rate and USB3 = 8000HZ polling rate). Since FullForce has a 16000HZ frequency and USB 4 goes up to 24000HZ polling rate.

  • You are! Unfortunately you have ordered from the slowest company in the world (that doesn't sound right in the racing world!).

    So will this product get an amazing start off the line, and ship immediately, or will it just add to the backlog of product customers have ordered yet does not ship?

  • Good Luck to receive it in this year. How fanatec works they will ship it in 2024.

  • Ning WangNing Wang Member
    edited October 2023

    Honestly,I ordered from Fanatec JP about 10 times,and never got a delays,I'm not in Japan,Fanatec delivered their packages to my warehouse in 2 days,and my warehouse sent them out of Janan to my hands for 4 to 7days😁

  • Interesting new base and I'm glad Fanatec is back in the game.

    Now for the positioning of the range, it opens up a few questions:

    - clubsport DD+ at a constant 15nM, that's the same as the podium DD1 which doesn't have TrueForce and has the same price. Does this mean its eventual disappearance?

    - Now, all DDs in the range except podium have in-runner motors. Does this mean that Fanatec has finally chosen to go down this road?

    - Will the current podium range without TrueForce be renewed soon to make sense again? At present, there's no real argument for buying a podium base more than a DD+ clubsport.

    For comments on the MHL200 sensor, see Fabio Lopes' latest comment on this topic:


    is interesting.

    "He mentions: The 12 bits of resolution cited is 12 bits for EACH magnetic period that the sensor can detect, which is 4 mm of travel. It is NOT 12 bits for the full circle."

    I don't know if he's right, but it's not just a 12-bit sensor, as some people are a little quick to claim.

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited October 2023

    if use 16 bit and more, then you could even use 5040 rotation without loosing the steering information, what makes in general more accurate than current 2520

    if use that 12 bit for 5040 then you may start lose numbers between rotation

  • Hi guys! Do you know how I can reserve the 15Nm Club Sport DD + for Playstation?

    I can't find it on their website.

  • Dustin GDustin G Member
    edited October 2023

    It’s coming soon and also your email address is on display for the world to see lol. (If indeed that’s it)

  • Ning WangNing Wang Member
    edited November 2023

    I have cancelled the CS DD order because I don't understand why DD and DD+ have different torque,there is no technical problem,they should be like CSL DD and GT DD Pro,that is a disappointing marketing strategies just like iPhone,they want PC gamer spend 300$ on extra 3NM and the unnessary PS support,so they can take more money from us,can Fanatec show us some sincerity?

  • The Playstation chip and licence are worth a lot.

    The Playstation version would inevitably have cost more than the DD version if compatibility had been the only argument, which would have been hard to justify.

    Instead, fanatec chose to slightly increase the power of the equipment (which isn't necessarily the same given that we haven't seen anything).

    So I don't see any unfairness or dishonesty on fanatec's part.

    If you're looking for dishonesty, there's a company near shenzen that has released a whole range of products that look suspiciously like the fanatec equipment... And strangely enough, it's also in Shenzen that fanatec products are assembled. Do you think they're show us some sincerity?

  • Fanatec fans are crazy



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