CSL Elite Playstation Wheel Base Issue
Robert Walker
I have a CSL Elite Playstation Wheelbase I bought it about 3 years ago and I am finally using it. When I plug it into Fanatec Firmware Manager and it says "not connected" shows a blank image of a wheel base but does say PC Firmware version 451.
It works fine when I use my CSL P1 wheel but I just bought the F1 ESports V2 wheel and when I plug that to the base the Mode LED flashes blue or red depending on what mode I have it on......the F1 wheel currently does not work with that base.
What can I do to fix this and get the F1 wheel to work with my wheel base??
Have you updated the firmware on the wheelbase?
What firmware is showing on the base?
Darren, It won't let me update the firmware. When you click on there is no option to update it.
Any other suggestions??
Have you updated the firmware on the base without the wheels attached?
It could be that the firmware on the base doesnt know about the F1 esports wheel - as you said youve not used the wheelbase in 3 years.
otherwise contact support