Wheelbase CSW V2.5 back from repair

Hello I received my Wheelbase CSW V2.5 back from repair replaced the PCB Fanatec UK.

I connected the wheelbase to my PC WINDOWS 11 & sad to say I am having major problems as follows: I can calibrate wheel WRC & club sport pedals V2 in Fanatec driver 4.51 software my Fanatec shifter V1.5 shows up in sequential mode but cannot be calibrated & will not show H-Pattern mode firmware 692-22-4.

Windows game controller menu shows Wheelbase V2.5 but nothing can be tested or calibrated. It's like it is not connected, buttons, pedals, shifter, wheel calibration not working & nothing shows in any game.

I have tried older Fanatec drivers, older firmware also tried 4 different USB leads, different USB ports on the PC & nothing seems to work.

I have put the wheelbase on my legs & tried a short USB lead to help ground the base & reinstall driver software & updated firmware but the same problems persist.

Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. (Code 43)

A request for the USB device descriptor failed.

But now none of my Fanatec equipment is usable so I am lost to what I can do.

Could anyone please offer some advice/help? I do not know what else to try. Thank you.


  • Im going to take a punt and guess youve got the shifter connected into "shifter 2" instead of "shifter 1"?

    Change it to shifter 1

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