Getting an old man's hands back into racing

Hey guys and girls,

I do not really know where to put this, iRacing or FANATEC, so I post this in both.

I am getting old, so I lack the strength in my wrists. What I try to do is to reduce the amount of force it takes to turn the steering wheel, while retaining the feedback force of the road, curbs and tires. Which parameters, either in iRacing or FanaLab, or both, do I need to adjust to achieve this?

Thank you!


  • My suggestion is below. This is what I use. I'm neither old nor injured but still have the same preference as you do. If it it feels too strong for you, lower "Strength" in-game or FFB in your wheel.

    Tuning Menu Settings:

    SEN 1080 (shown as 108 on some displays)

    FFB 100

    FFS Peak

    NDP Off

    NFR Off

    NIN Off

    INT 20

    FEI 100

    In-Game Settings:

    Use Linear Mode: Checked

    Reduce force when parked: Checked

    Strength: 8.5

    Wheel force: 8 Nm

    Smoothing 100%

    Damping 0%

    Min Force 0.0%

  • Thank you so much, Hugo. I will give this a try tonight and see how it feels.

  • I would use FFS LINEAR, rather than PEAK, if the goal is to have less force and more detail. For the rest at the steering wheel level it's fine, forces at 100, effects at 0, and filters to taste. Maybe INT=4 or 6.

    At a gaming level I would adjust the strength in order to have some clipping on the hardest curbs, on road exits and during accidents. This generally means increasing the value and keeping an eye on the clipping bar. This prevents you from having excess strength at unexpected moments. Simultaneously lower the FFB value on the steering wheel to the level you like.

  • Trying linear now.

    Series X

    DD1/Formula V2/V3 pedals

    driver 451


    sensitvity: auto (seems to be fixed!)

    ffb: 52

    scale: Linear

    NDP: 13

    NFR: off

    NIN: off

    INT: 3

    FEi: 80

    BFR: 20 (personal taste)

    in game:

    steering rate: 102-105

    feeback strength: 65

    on track: 25-30

    rumble strip: 20

    off track: 12

    wheek damper: 0

    max rotation: 340

    hope it helps, let me know if you find something better!

  • I think you've posted this in the wrong thread. OP was talking about settings for iRacing, I don't think you're playing that on a Series X. 😉

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