DD2 full wheel rotation on startup

Previous to driver 447, my base needed a small rotation to the left and then a slightly bigger rotation to right in order to calibrate each time on startup.

After the firmware update it needs a full 360 degree rotation to the right.

This has never been an issue but i'm considering buying a Podium Hub to use a steering wheel from another manufacturer. With the wheelbase doing a full rotation, the usb cable would need to be detached each time I power on the base.

Does anyone know of a way to revert to the previous small movement on startup? Im now on the latest firware 451 and its still the same.



  • You could try inverting the connection of the steering column. When I disassembled my csl DD to check something, I reinstalled it "upside down" and after recalibrating the wheel center position, the startup calibration now turns a whole lot more (more than half a turn but maybe not a full turn in my case) as opposed to just a few degrees left and right.

    It's as if the wheel base as its own 0 degree position (separate to the user set center position, and might have been changed with the firmware) and the startup calibration turns right until it reaches +30° then left to - 30° or something similar. But if you did not need to recalibrate your wheel center position after installing the new firmware, maybe that's not what's happening either!

  • I can tell you that I got my DD2 and Clubsport Pedals V3 in August of 2020 and from day 1, it has -always- done a 360 degree rotation on start-up calibration. If you want to know exactly the "azimuth" and rotation degrees I could check it for you. It starts left of top dead center and finishes there (I think...). I'm surprised you base does not do the same.

  • Hello. Turn the steering wheel 360 degrees and return to center the direction. See if you give it to the left or to the right in case you want to reverse.

  • if you have the DD2 doing a full 360 rotation on start up like mine with the new drivers, when using a 3rd party wheel with usb coiled cable just ensure the wheel is connected with USB cable unwound and when it turns on it will wind it up, pretty cool actually!

  • Hi I had the same problem and I solved just today thanks the help of Danny Moffat youtuber.

    I had to loosen the band that locks the base side QR to the motor hub and then, keeping the motor hub in the position it was, I rotated the base side QR by 180° and then I re-centered it and now it only makes a 90° turn to the right and then 90° to the left, thus returning to the central position without making the 360° as before.

    see the my video of how rotate now when turn on https://youtu.be/_lCK-QHihdo?si=HXdEnx6IK4NiD4Rl

    Before doing all this, do a simple test, rotate the steering wheel 180° and then center it, then turn it off and on and see how it behaves.

    I hope it can help you too

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