CSL Elite V2 pedals not going to ZERO when lifting off throttle


I have the two pedal CSL elite V2 pedals, I believe. Throttle and brake. They are about a year old. My son upgraded to V3 pedals and he gave me this set.

My first question is where I find the serial number for these pedals?

My second question is the problem. The past number of races part way through the race my throttle pedal begins not going to ZERO when I let off the throttle. I let off the throttle completely and there is still throttle. It’s killing my racing of course, lol 😂 any help would be appreciated! If I watch the throttle with my foot off it varies as to how much it’s still on throttle.


  • Can't you calibrate a small dead zone at the beginning of the travel?

  • I tried that. It may work to some degree. I’m looking for what I need to do to fix the issue. Can I recalibrate, clean or adjust something without using a dead zone. At times the throttle is on high enough to wipe me out in a corner.

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