BMW M4 Wheel buttons?

What do all this buttons stand for?

Here is a list of most of the buttons which are included. Please help me to get all that shortcuts of the buttons.

RAD - ?

TC - Traction Control

OK - ?

FCY - ?

DRK - ?

Hi - ?

ALS - ?

WIP - Wiper

PSL - ?

N - ?

STG - ?

LNC - ?

HYB - ?

DIS - ?

A/D - ?

P - ?

LIM - Limiter

ENG - Engine ?

PGE - ?

STA - ?


  • edited October 2022

    RAD - Radio

    TC - Traction Control

    OK - Confirm

    FCY - Full Course Yellow

    DRK - Drink

    Hi - High Beam

    ALS - Anti-Lag System

    WIP - Wiper

    PSL - Pit Speed Limiter

    N - Neutral

    STG - Not used in BMW M4, its a Cap of the BMR. Dont know the meaning on the BMR.

    LNC - Not used in BMW M4, its a Cap of the BMR, but meaning is Leaf Nitrogen Concentration.

    HYB - Not used in BMW M4, its a Cap of the BMR, but meaning is Hybrid.

    DIS - Not used in BMW M4, its a Cap of the BMR, but meaning is Display.

    A/D - Not used in BMW M4, its a Cap of the BMR, but meaning should be Automatic Drive.

    P - Not used in BMW M4, its a Cap of the BMR, but meaning is Pit.

    LIM - Not used in BMW M4, its a Cap of the BMR, but meaning is Limiter.

    ENG - Not used in BMW M4, its a Cap of the BMR, but meaning is Engine.

    PGE - Not used in BMW M4, its a Cap of the BMR, but meaning is Page.

    STA - Not used in BMW M4, its a Cap of the BMR. Dont know the meaning on the BMR.

  • Thanks!

    Missing Buttons for Ignition, Starter, Light

    Full Course Yellow - why need a driver to press Button for Full Course Yellow?

  • What is the fonction of Anti-Lag System?

  • Thank you and sorry Maurice. Indeed the answer would have been quickly found by doing a search by myself.

    So it is typically used in slow turns, but it is a function that is not accessible in our simulations anyway. 

  • Ye Meng WooYe Meng Woo Member
    edited March 2024

    Very informative. Thanks Maurice!

    Do you know the function of these on the real race car by any chance? I'm trying to replicate the functionality for sim racing.

    Some I have managed to work out by various sources of information online.

    Left/Right buttons behind the steering wheel - ?

    Left thumb encoder - ?

    Right thumb encoder - TCS up/down

    Red dial - ?

    Blue dial - Wiper speed

    Green dial - ABS

    " - " button - ?

    " + " button - ?

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