clubsport V1.5 loss of FF with iracing (but not with other games)
ivo andreini
i am writing for an italian friend that do not talk english
he has a very strange issue.
starting from yestarday he has a loss of FF in game witj iracing
but this issue is not present with other ganes (AC, ACC, Raceroom and RF2)
so it seems not related to the fanatec product
do someone has experienced this issue?
here is info about fanatec settings and ingame iracing settinga:
FANATEC CSW 1.5, last drivers and firmware
settings for iracing:
sen 900
ff 100
sho 100
abs off
drl -02
for 120
spr 100
dpr 100
brf off
IRACING ingame settings
strength 12.4
wheel force 8.0 Nm
damping 0%
min force 0.0%
enable force feedback YES
reduce force when parked YES
use linear mode NO
thx a lot for support to my friend simone