Podium M4 GT3 buttons questions


I received my M4 GT3 steering wheel this week and I'm wondering about the buttons.

First, I received a set of extra buttons (15) and I wanted to know if my set is complete.

In the buttons I received I have :

- PGE : ?

- STA : ?

- STG : ?

- left arrow : blinking?

- right arrow : blinking?

- A/D : ?

- DIS : display

- LIM : limit?

- P : park?

- LNC : ?

- ENG : engine

- HYB : hybrid

- and three buttons without marking

1st question: am I missing any?

The steering wheel is equipped with the following buttons pre-equipped:

- RAD : radio

- TC : traction control toggle

- - : ?

- + : ?

- ALS : alarm system?

- HI : high beam

- OK : validation?

- FCY : full course yellow

- DRK : drink

- WIP : wiper

- PSL : pit stop limiter

- N: neutral

2nd question : What are the meanings of these abbreviations on the real car (where I put question marks).

Finally, on the real car, what are the encoders assigned to?

I thank you in advance.


  • Look at this Video. Maybe it gives you some information.


  • Thank you Michael,

    I just looked at it, I could learn that the bottom encoder is used for the abs and the blue encoder is used to switch the modes of the shift paddles.

    I could also see that the tc is on the right side but that the brake bias is on a button outside the steering wheel on the center console.

  • bumping this because I'd love a detailed explination of all the buttons, I want to set mine up in iracing to be as accurate as possible, but can't without the info.

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