CS Universal Hub V2 on CSL DD fails to access Tuning menu using Funky Switch.
Ted Cronk
CS Universal Hub V2 on CSL DD fails to access Tuning menu using Funky Switch. I've tried both driver 439 and 440 and their respective hardware and neither have worked. Control panel shows each button works as clicked and the display test works as well. In game, the hub display shows current gear just fine.
Are there any fixes to this?
You need to press the small button on the top to access the Tuning Menu, not the Funky Switch.
È normale che quando il mio DD PRO è spento e giro il mozzo gira storto? Is it normal that when my DD PRO is turned off and I turn the hub turns wrong?
Thank you Marice. As soon as you said that I recalled it from viewing the instructional video from Fanatec. The old memory isn't what it used to be. And I'm not talking about the memory on my PC. Have a good one and again, thanks.