Gear display

I've got a CSL DD Wheelbase and Formula 2.5 wheel. Putting aside my general issues with the terrible Fanatec SW, inability to firmware update anything, etc. How do I get the current gear to display permanently on the screen on the wheel?
You'd think this would be as easy as: be in compatibility mode (as no LEDs work in PC mode for some unknown reason), have "Fanatic LED Support" enabled in game, and clicking "always show" next to Gear in Fanalab. But that doesn't work, and as far as I can tell Fanalab doesn't actually do anything.
I tried enabling telemetry, and at one point managed to get the gear to show on gear change - despite the settings in Fanalab being always show. I also tried going into the tuning menu, but (and I should have known this would happen) that didn't have an option and just left me stuck in the tuning menu until I pulled the power out the back.
Follow the instructions given to you in Fanalab when you click on Enable Fanalab Support.
You need to DISABLE the Fanatec LED option in the game. And set the Telemetry Port in the Lab to the same as used in the game. Then UDP broadcast needs to be disabled. And F1 Telemetry Format needs to be 2021.
But all that is done automatically by the Lab when you click the two green buttons in the game profile Tab.