DD1 randomly turns itself off while driving

I have a DD1 and Clubsport Formula V2 wheel. On very rare occasions, in the middle of an iRacing race or practice, the wheelbase will turn itself off for no reason. This might happen once every 2 to 3 weeks and I drive every day. It just happened while leading a race though :( If I wait about 5 seconds after it happens, it will allow me to turn it back on normally.
So far I have checked/cleaned all the connections and cables. I am using the Fanatec supplied USB cable. I moved the USB cable to a different port on the PC, it still happens. I have tried a USB 3.0 or a 2.0 socket, it'll do it either way. Both of these USB sockets are on the motherboard, there is no hub involved. I do have the Clubsport V3 pedals plugged into the wheelbase with the supplied cable.
Here's my current info:
Fanalab: 1.60.2
PC Driver: 429
Wheel Base: 689
Wheel Base Motor: 41
Steering Wheel: 41
Wireless QR: 6
For what it's worth, it did this BEFORE and AFTER I updated to the Driver/Firmware shown above. I do not remember the previous driver/firmware I was using but it was pretty up to date.
Any ideas?
And thanks.
Sure you have checked these but maybe double check the power lead, at the wall socket, where the cable from the wall plugs into the brick and also on the back of the base. Maybe one of them is loose.
Thanks Gagaryn. I thought it was the power cord at the brick about a month ago, but re-seated it and It still happened twice since then. The plug into the wall is seated as well. I even tried a different wall socket and a different surge protector.
I have a new theory. Does anyone know if the power supply "brick" is susceptible to small voltage fluctuations/drops? Fluctuations that might upset the DD1 but not the PC or other equipment? The wife had the washer and dryer going when the DD1 turned off today. If I recall correctly, the washer and dryer were both on last time this happened too. It's an old house, the washer dryer are on the same circuit as the DD1. When they are both on, voltage drops a couple volts, to maybe about 117V (this is US). If this is the case, it doesn't affect the PC, the router, Monitor, only the DD1.
Duh, the dryer is 220V, it's on a different circuit. But It still causes a voltage drop. 118.8V dryer off, 116.1V with dryer on. I haven't tested what the washer might to to this yet, it's 120V, the way this house is wired I think it's still on the same circuit.
I doubt it. it's a universal switch mode power supply that can be used in all countries - even Japan which uses nominal 100v. I'd be inclined to try it without the surge protector - the PSU will be rated for at least 240v at 13a so won't be troubled by any ripples on a 120v 15a circuit. But the surge protector might (possibly) activate when the dryer goes off. Long shot!
I'll try it w/o the surge protector, thanks. This whole thing is a long shot, like I said, it happens maybe 1 time in 15-20 hours of otherwise perfect use. talk about your intermittent problems!
Thanks again.
Hi John,
I got my Playstation DD1 just this week. I was using it everyday for a few hours since. On the 4th day I was playing Dirt Rally 2 with the WRC wheel and QR lite (low torque) on PS5. All of a sudden I lost all control input and lost all FF but the PS5 still recognized the DD1 as an attached controller because only after I killed the power, did the PS5 say that the controller was disconnected so the USB connection was still active. Also of note: the white power button was still lit up but the front LCD on the DD1 was off. So it was still getting power since the white power light was still on and USB connection still active but cut all function including FFB, all input/control, and LCD turned off. The green light on the power bar stayed green the whole time as well.
Was your experience similar? As in with similar symptoms? Or did your turn off such that the white power was also off and USB disconnected right away as well? Let me know, as we may have a similar issue, (or not).
Seems to be working after turning off and back on, but man after contemplating for so long and dropping so much coin, it was a little demoralizing lol... Been a few days since it happened and so far so good. I also have the V3 pedals installed. Is yours the regular DD1 or the Playstation DD1?
Gunnder DW,
My symptoms were different than yours. My DD1 is also the regular version, not PlayStation. In my case, the DD1 just turned completely off and disconnected from the PC. The power button on the back of the DD1 went dark.
I live in a 100 year old house. The 120V AC receptacles are not grounded. I'm convinced that some combination of power surges/poor power quality and ungrounded AC receptacles "confuse" the power supply into some sort of emergency shutdown under fairly rare circumstances. I'm no electrician/electrical engineer but I can't imagine that switching power supply was designed to work under these conditions.
I wish you luck with your problem though.
Might be worth it to invest in some sort of UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)? I also live in a relatively old house with some dodgy electrical work. I think I spent ~$200 on the device several years ago, but it's been well worth it. Not only does it give me a few minutes to properly shut everything down if there's a power outage, but it also regulates against surges and dips as well.
Thanks Greg, I actually installed a UPS over the weekend to (hopefully) help address this issue. The ungrounded AC receptacle is still problem though. Again, no expert here, but from what I can tell, the UPS needs a proper ground to work properly in the event of a power surge. Although large, equipment destroying surges have not been a problem in the 15 years we have lived here.
I have the same issue. Did you ever find a solution? I've had my DD1 for 1 day!