ClubSport V3 manual mode problem

in Pedals
I encounter the following issue:
After I turn on the 'enable manual mode' function the brake pedal input goes missing after I have shutdown my pc. The only way to get it working again (so far) is to flash the firmware. This means when I want to race a few times in a week I have to leave my PC on for this whole time to keep the same calibration and brake pedal recognized, or flash the firmware and recalbrate the pedals after every shutdown or reboot. Both are ofcourse not the preferred options I assume.
A simple reboot, different USB port and cleaning and reinserting the inputs in the pedal board haven't done the trick.
Which driver and how are the pedals connected?
Driver 402 & firmware v1.31.
But from minute one I use the firmware showed like this in the program:
and when I go to the assistant it shows this:
Try the newest driver 431.
will do and report back!
I installed the latest driver 431 and flashed the firmware to v1.32. Enabled and calibrated my pedals in manual mode. Ran a few laps, rebooted my pc and again the brake pedal goes missing. It only comes back again after flashing the firmware, just as before.
Then you need to contact the support. Appears your pedals are faulty, also indicating that they are shown with FW 0.0 which is a clear Indicator that they might have a hardware issue.
Ok Maurice, thanks for the response!
I contacted support about the firmware indication through the driver software before and they said that was no problem. I will open a new case.
Hi, do you have a solution? I have the same problem. Thanks