CSL elite pedals seems to be connected to CSL Elite Wheelbase,but no acceleration

in Pedals
I just bought a new full Fanatec set. Wheel and Wheelbase seems to work correctly but I have problems with the pedals. The issue below happens at both Iracing as well as formule 1. My pedals are directly connected to the wheelpase. (I cannot connect them directly to PC as I do not have the converter)
When going to Iracing, I calibrated by pedals. I think there was no issue, but don't now how to check. When I start from the pits and go into first gear and press the gas, I move very slowly, maximum till 5mph. (sometimes I reach 10mpH), after some time I get back to zero. I cannot accelerate at all.
Also in Formule1, I cannot accelerate.
What am I doing wrong?