Cancel my order due to super long, unprecedented wait times?



  • edited January 2021

    Does that also means that these are being read, and they are continuing to choose not to communicate? Maybe something just went wrong when I tried to edit, but I was surprised that my earlier comment is now gone. It was there to let me click on the edit button so I know it posted. Also edited this without issue. Does anyone really think they can censor anyone anymore? It seems so foolish that I almost think something did go wrong. Testing, testing, one two.

  • My two posts were deleted as well. There was nothing critical except for the fact that they could provide us with the tracking numbers to prove that it is FedEX and not them. The tracking numbers would report that they are awaiting Pickup.

  • I believe all we want is more communication from Fanatec other than your order is processed and FED Ex will not come and get it.How about we need another x amount of boxes before we save on our shipping cost.

  • Lol I have to laugh.

    It's Xmas period around the world it time most places close for a week or two plus we have Wuhan virus that's killing people.

    You even got conspiracy trump in power & you have the britexit crap so the EU & it's shipping will get affected.

    So Yes things will take longer time & you will have to wait.

    Like said if you can't wait then I guess you will have to cancel & buy your product via another route .

    But until we get close to what some call normal things will take longer.

    I was going to buy the McLaren wheel but noticed it not available until Feb so I purchased my 1st choice wheel.

    Even though it showing a quick delivery I don't feel it will especially now EU is locking down again due to Wuhan.

    2020 & 2021 you will just have to learn to wait that simple

  • USA resident. Real quick... Dec 28th order of DD1 + club sport wheel and csl elite pedals. processed in 2 days (I got a shipping/tracking number IMMEDIATELY but it pulls up nothing on Fedex to this day...) Jan 7th and to my knowledge it hasnt even shipped.

    I work for an airline and get to fly for free. I'd fly there and bring the **** back myself if they would let me... LOL

  • Same thing happened to me yesterday bro... Its not just you.

  • That comment is in the other topic. talking about the same.

  • When you post the same thing in 2-3 different topics at the end you might think you have posted something somewhere else and then believe that it was deleted.

    Unless if it was actually delete because it was in violation of the community guidelines. I dont know.

    Since last night till now haven't noticed any missing posts except the one mentioning something about influencers and fanboys I think cause I wanted to rely on that today and cannot find it.

  • Min is processed and I ordered on the 30th. Should have a shipping number next day or two

  • What makes you think you'll have shipping # in a day or two? Did Fanatec Support tell you this?

    I ask because EVERYONE is sitting at order status "Processed" and seems to be where it stays. Tracking and shipment never depart.

  • I placed an order for the CSL Elite bundle and a loadcell pedal on the 1st of Jan, it was processed on the 4th of Jan and I've just been emailed this morning (8th) my tracking info by UPS and that my parcel should be arriving on the 13th. So it doesn't just stay on 'processed' This is being sent to the UK.

  • Most of the complaints on this tread are in regards to USA orders being fulfilled in California. Which seems to be staying on "processed" for weeks not days. Is this where your packages are being sent from?

  • This what I received...

    Hello Martin,

    Thank you for reaching out to Fanatec customer service.

    Your orders with the order numbers ()  already have been shipped, but due to the current situation our warehouse wasn't able to provide us with the tracking informations.

    I hope for your understanding.

    If you have any additional questions feel free to let us know.

    Happy racing and stay safe!

    Best regards / Freundliche GrüßeYannik

    (Fanatec Customer Service Team)

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    Endor AG

    E.ON-Allee 3, D - 84036 Landshut

    Phone +49 (871) 9221-299 | Fax +49 (871) 9221-221



    Sitz der Gesellschaft Landshut - Handelsregister Landshut HRB 5487

    Vorstand: Thomas Jackermeier (Vorsitzender), Andrés Semsey

    Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Andreas Potthoff

  • Is this coming from the USA warehouse?

    What date did you order?

    Thank you!

  • My orders say FedEx ground. No tracking numbers and customer support won’t give tracking numbers. My order has been processed for 7 business days. Good luck with getting your numbers.

  • If they truly shipped the packages you could log into myFedex and see it incoming for your address. It’s Friday too. If there’s no movement today, better luck next week I guess 🤷‍♂️ Frustrating.

  • Thank you. I apologize to Fanatec for making a false claim about deleting my post(s).

  • It seems to be an issue with the product shipped from California. UK does not seem to be getting delays similar to the US. I wonder if the US warehouse uses a third party shipper, i.e. they have a company that actually takes the boxed orders and then processes them to the actual shipping company. I've dealt with third-party shippers and they can be really really slow with shipping processing. It's just a waiting game at this point.

  • This morning's update:

    Dear customer,

    We would like to provide you with an update on your recent Fanatec order.

    Our internal inventory at the end of the year has impacted the timely shipment of orders. On top of this, the corona pandemic has not made this matter easier this year.

    Furthermore, our transportation partner FedEx had trouble keeping up with ground shipments. This was caused in part because of the ongoing pandemic and was exacerbated by the holiday season. They have been working above capacity for some time already. However, they have committed to assign more capacity to our shipping volume. Our warehouse is working hard to prepare all the orders for shipment, now that FedEx can process this increased volume. As soon as your order is handed over to FedEx, you can find the tracking number in your Fanatec customer account in the ‘Orders’ section.

    Since your order was affected by these circumstances, we'd like to offer you a 10% off voucher on your next purchase. You will receive the voucher code on Feb 1, 2020, and it will be valid for one year.

    We’re very sorry to keep you waiting for your order, but are grateful for your patience and understanding.

  • About 30 minutes after getting that e-mail, FedEx showed up with a package from a company that I order from 3 days ago. From Hong Kong. I'm in Tennessee.

  • The key part of that e-mail, is "Our internal inventory at the end of the year has impacted the timely shipment of orders." Translation: "In-stock" means "not really in stock".

  • George DunkGeorge Dunk Member
    edited January 2021

    10% voucher code sent in Feb1 2020? seems their offers are as fast as the shipping? LOL

  • Live in Canada, ordered on the 26th of December, got my USPS tracking numbers. Since then, nothing, no updates. I contacted fanatec and they said USPS had it, I contacted USPS and they said Fanatec had it, since then I've put in another support ticket with fanatec and am waiting for a reply. I'll try to keep you guys updated on my situation.

  • I am in the same boat as all of you. Ordered on the 26th, got an email on the 28th saying it was processed and waiting for FedEx to pickup (I’m in California). Still don’t have the club sport shifter. I have had very poor communication with customer support and received the same emails attached above. Jan 9th finally got tracking info from FedEx saying it was supposed to arrive on the 11th (yesterday) and the package still hasn’t left the warehouse. FedEx has no information and Fanatec just sends these auto reply looking emails. I am totally fine with waiting, it’s the lack of communication and poor customer service that is frustrating (as many of you have already voiced). I know they are getting bombarded with CS tickets but even their auto reply emails essentially blame FedEx for the delay, they can’t even own up to it. I’ll keep you posted if I get any movement on my shipment. Best of luck to all of you!

  • Ordered my product on 12-24-2020.Finally got a tracking # on 1-9-2021. Still has not left warehouse . Did get the E-mail for the 10 % off my next purchase voucher that they will send to me on Feb. 1 2020. They are blaming all of this on Covid and Fed Ex. Maybe those are the names of the people who work (?) in the seemingly non existing shipping department. I think they should get the crew who takes your money and have them train the shipping department .We would all get our orders over night.

  • They do use a third party shipper - SUDDATH GLOBAL LOGISTICS. I received my tracking numbers as well on the 9th. I do have serial numbers under "my products" so I believe that they are boxed up. It is a shame that they do not communicate better (details - not vague statements). I have Fedex delivery manager so I get notified anytime anything happens to my tracking numbers. Nothing since 12:35PM PST on the 9th when the labels (5 of them) were created.

  • Is it SUDDATH or SABBATH ?

  • Finally received my order. Was shipped and delivered on the same day.

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