Unable to reset my account

My forum info is the same as the website yet I am unable to log into the webshop.
When attempting a reset of my account info Fanatec does not send the confirmation email.
And it is jot in my spam folder.
How does an individual customer make a warranty claim if they are unable to properly file a warranty claim?
I have purchased in 2020 the Csl elite+ and the Lc pedals
The forza bundle
The esports rim
The 2020 limited edition wheel.
The Dd2 2 damper kits 1 bpkit
The bmw wheel
The Podium Porsche wheel.
You mean to tell me the system is so flawed that I am unable to claim warranty if I need to or are you guys just away for the holidays and thats why its not working?
Did you select the correct region when trying to log in? Credentials doesn't work across different regions.